I see this is a very common problem that has been reported since as early as 2008 since URL redirection was introduced in NextGen gallery plugin. I’m a software engineer and found a block of code from another user that indeed fixes the routing issues. Please update your plugin so that is not necessary to user workaround.
// WPML fix
if (class_exists('SitePress')) {
M_WordPress_Routing::$_use_canonical_redirect = FALSE;
//M_WordPress_Routing::$_use_canonical_redirect = FALSE;
M_WordPress_Routing::$_use_old_slugs = FALSE;
add_action('template_redirect', array(&$this, 'fix_wpml_canonical_redirect'), 1);
function fix_buddypress_routing()
M_WordPress_Routing::$_use_canonical_redirect = FALSE;
//M_WordPress_Routing::$_use_canonical_redirect = FALSE;
return FALSE;
function fix_wpml_canonical_redirect()
M_WordPress_Routing::$_use_canonical_redirect = FALSE;
//M_WordPress_Routing::$_use_canonical_redirect = FALSE;
M_WordPress_Routing::$_use_old_slugs = FALSE;
class M_WordPress_Routing extends C_Base_Module
static $_use_canonical_redirect = TRUE;
//static $_use_canonical_redirect = TRUE;
static $_use_old_slugs = TRUE;
function define($id = 'pope-module',
// this is the proper behavior but it causes problems with WPML
else {
if (self::$_use_old_slugs) wp_old_slug_redirect();
if (self::$_use_canonical_redirect) redirect_canonical();
//if (self::$_use_canonical_redirect) redirect_canonical();
You basically have to comment out any lines of code that contains _use_canonical_redirect