• Two issues:

    When I put the album shortcode in a text widget, it shows all the galleries, not just the ones I have in the album. That’s a problem.

    The other one is when I use a PHP do_shortcode with the album shotcode, it displays the proper galleris, but for some reason, even though I have set the page link, when you click on a gallery, it takes the User to the most recent post. It actually does that when I just use the shortcode by itself.

    I tried getting rid of the most recent post, thinking it was some sort of flaw with something I did in THAT post, but it just assumed the link of the next post in line. Upon reposting the post I deleted, the galleries went right back to linking to that post.

    All of the galleries showing up do that.

    My website is https://hoosierhoopsreport.com, but I took the PHP widget down since it’s not really working.

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