• Resolved adsoink


    New post for a very different error.

    I have gotten NGG 2.0 as well as the Pro extension to work since yesterday’s release, but the plugin and extension are only functioning as expected in a local Ubuntu install as well as a sandbox version of the live site. When installed and enabled on the live site, the plugin and extension cause the following –

    • All user facing pages redirect back to the home page. For example, if one were to click on “About” the page will refresh, show the correct URL (i.e. yoursite.com/about), but the content will actually be the Home page instead of about
    • On press of “Save” anywhere in the admin panel, the page that appears on refresh is the Home page of the site

    Is anyone else experiencing this? I’m of a mind to update the sandbox database with the recent contact forms and posts, port that over to production and see if it solves the issue. One thing that might be an issue is that the production version of the site was networked to a couple other domains at one point. Multi Site has since been removed and this is the only functionality issue we’ve come across since the removal.

    I’ve done the theme switching, rewritten the .htaccess, checked for fragments from when the site was networked, disabled all plugins, etc… So I’m pretty much at a loss for how to identify the issue and suss out a fix if it’s an issue with my install rather than the plugin and extension. A complete reinstallation is top of mind, but the customer is in the middle of two very large marketing campaigns and cannot account for any down time at all.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?


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  • Been getting exactly teh same issue with https://www.121dogtraining.hk
    I only had one gallery so have deleted NextGenv2.0

    Got links working again by deleting gallery folder

    Thread Starter adsoink


    @decimus – Which gallery folder did you delete? The one that’s found at /wp-content/gallery? Please let me know. Edit: Also, did you delete NextGen Gallery completely or just the gallery folder in order to get your permalinks working again?

    I have roughly 30 galleries in play and while it wouldn’t be too much of a pain to rebuild them, I’d rather not. The weird thing is that with the exception of a couple blog posts, my sandbox instance is an exact mirror of the live site. It’s odd to me that it works in one place and not the other.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @adoink: Just a note that we’ve added this our our developers issues list from your other thread.

    @decimus: are you referring to deleting the /wp-conent/gallery folder? That’s the one that holds all your images and galleries, so you’d probably want to avoid deleting that one.

    Thread Starter adsoink


    @photocrati – Thanks very much for adding that to your bug list. Please note that this happens with a fresh install of 2.0 and the error occurs regardless if Pro is enabled or not. I sent Becky access details yesterday in the advent you guys want to log in and see what’s happening. I’m suspicious that it’s an issue with the production database (the sandbox instance works perfectly) and not a conflict with another script or plugin as I’m not running anything that’s been identified as being an issue.

    If you guys do end up logging in, please give me advance notice so I can let the client know work is being done and a few things may not operate as expected.

    Thread Starter adsoink


    @photocrati – We’re now functional and I was correct with the issue being database related. Here’s what I found in comparing the sandbox instance with production –

    • The row for permalinks had been completely deleted from the wp_options table. I have confirmed that this happens to my production site on install of the plugin
    • NGG options were not correctly inserted to the database

    While we are now functional, here are the issues I’m seeing while NGG 2.0 is active. Please keep in mind that whether or not Pro is active, the issues are the same.

    • All hyperlinks turn bright blue and do not inherit the color specified in the CSS
    • Text alignment in the footer does not inherit what’s in the CSS
    • 30 – 50 pixels of space are inserted between nested divs and the CSS ignored
    • On press of “Save” or “Update” in the admin panel, on refresh administrators are taken to a different page. For example, if you’re editing a template file in the editor and press save, on refresh you won’t see the template you were editing and instead the default “home” page of the editor which is most often the style.css file for the theme

    All of these display errors are resolved when I deactivate NGG 2.0. Please note these issues are specific only to my production instance of the site. The sandbox does not show any of these errors at all. I haven’t been able to find any deeper disparity between the two databases aside from what’s mentioned above.

    Any thoughts on why NGG would disable portions of the stylesheet?

    Thread Starter adsoink


    @photocrati – Just quickly, here’s the console output on the production site when the plugin and extension are active.

    Uncaught ReferenceError: Lazy_Resources is not defined www.mysite.net/:377
    (anonymous function) www.mysite.net/:377
    l scripts?load=admin-bar;photocrati_ajax;jquery;sidjs;lazy_resources;wpcx_jqu…uery.fredsel;wpcx_jquery.fancybox;wpcx_custom;jquery-form;contact-form-7:7
    c.fireWith scripts?load=admin-bar;photocrati_ajax;jquery;sidjs;lazy_resources;wpcx_jqu…uery.fredsel;wpcx_jquery.fancybox;wpcx_custom;jquery-form;contact-form-7:7
    v.extend.ready scripts?load=admin-bar;photocrati_ajax;jquery;sidjs;lazy_resources;wpcx_jqu…uery.fredsel;wpcx_jquery.fancybox;wpcx_custom;jquery-form;contact-form-7:7
    A scripts?load=admin-bar;photocrati_ajax;jquery;sidjs;lazy_resources;wpcx_jqu…uery.fredsel;wpcx_jquery.fancybox;wpcx_custom;jquery-form;contact-form-7:7

    Another piece I just noticed is that when the plugin and extension are active, on first refresh of any page in the site, there’s an effort somewhere to change the MIME type of the images being served by the HTML, PHP, and CSS. This error is only visible within the first couple of times I refresh, and then the above is served to the console thereafter.

    It looks like there’s somehow conflict between NGG 2.0, my theme (wp-creativix), and Contact Form 7…

    Thread Starter adsoink


    And now there’s this output as well –

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://www.seattletalent.net/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/ph…i_nextgen/modules/frame_communication/A/frame_event_publisher.js?ver=3.5.2
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://www.seattletalent.net/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/resource_minifier/(/lazy_resources.js?ver=3.5.2
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://www.seattletalent.net/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/resource_minifier/(/sidjs-0.1.js?ver=0.1
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://www.seattletalent.net/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ajax/(/ajax.js?ver=3.5.2
    Uncaught ReferenceError: Lazy_Resources is not defined plugins.php?activate-multi=true&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s=:563

    It looks like the packages I’ve downloaded are potentially missing directories, or there’s lingering reference to directories that belong to the previous iteration. Not one of the directories listed above actually live in my sandbox instance, so these errors are specific to production.


    Thread Starter adsoink


    The redirection issue has been resolved. Going to open another topic showing what I’m seeing now.

    Hi I’ve got it all working now.

    I have two sites with NextGen. The one with multiple galleries updated fine. The one with just one gallery corrupted!

    In particular it was wp-content/gallery/

    Side note: A clean install uses wp-content/galleries/

    I ftped all the images from the old /gallery folder so it would be easy to recreate as I only had one gallery!

    I uninstalled NetGen Gallery v2.0.

    The uninstall left wp-content/gallery/

    The problem I had was deleting the old wp-content/gallery/
    It was if it had an infinite loop of folders inside folders. Hundreds and hundred deep! that had a copy of the main site. I think this is the reason why initially when one clicked any tab link on the site it always went back to the home page????

    I eventually gave up trying to delete the folder and did an internet chat call with tech support at Bluehost who used some command line magic to delete the /gallery/ folder.

    I did a clean install and it is all now working again.

    Hope that helps

    I had a similar issue where when NextGen gallery was activated (NextGen Pro was not a factor), all of my front-end links were resolving back to the homepage when using the permalink structure /%postname%/ oddly enough the default permalink structure setting is a work around, but not a good SEO practice. I believed this was caused by me removing the “Permalink slug” value of “nggallery” – /wp-admin/admin.php?page=ngg_other_options.

    When I went to edit/save anything under “Other Options” after removing this value within the NextGen gallery setting, it would no longer save my revisions and then began redirected me to the homepage.

    SOLUTION: What I did to resolve the issue is remove the set values in the wp_options table in the WordPress database under “wp_ngg_options”. Be sure to backup your database before hacking away like I did to find the issue.

    This resolved the issue and only required me to once again update my “Other Options” setting which was a snap!

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