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  • bumping this one. How to add EXIF in lightbox ?

    I managed to find out where the jquery script generates the data so I have done some modifications based on
    LyteBox v3.22 by Markus F. Hay
    and his exif reader by Jacob Seidelin

    I modified the variables to match them to the ngg lightmox variables but now the lightbox does not open anymore.

    So I uploaded my mod as a textfile maybe some developer of ngg or a java script prof can make this work.

    Hope you can work on thisone

    According to this thread here , people used to update the description of a picture with EXIF on upload. So that when the picture is displayed in lightbox, the EXIF will be shown as caption. However, the new version 2.0 I don’t know where to find the same piece of code to do that.

    Anyone know how to do it? Thanks.

    Another bump. Here is a link where someone manage to get EXIF show in the thumbnail page. However, I don’t know where to do the same thing in lightbox………………still.

    Thread Starter Heavenwalker


    Thx to sdugoten but this hack isn’t so nice…

    It blows up the Overview.
    I’ve made a screenshot, so you can see an example:

    Looking forward to some better solutions…

    The exif data is available if you’re up to write a new style for gallery or single pic display.
    I did write a such a gallery mode using the now deprecated ngg-legacy template system (figure…).

    $meta = new nggMeta( $image->pid );
    $exif = $meta->get_EXIF();

    // use for instance $exif[‘camera’] $exif[‘focal_length’]
    // $exif[‘aperture’] $exif[‘shutter_speed’] $exif[‘iso’]
    // put in alt and title of your image

    for instance, if you visit:
    click on a image and see EXIF data in the bottom right.


    Renambot, do you have detail how to do that and wondering if you can share the file? Thanks.


    Copy and save the code as ‘gallery-captionexif.php’ in:

    As an example it just adds some exif data to the title field (alt-text / title).

    In your post, use something like:
    [nggallery id=42 template=captionexif]

    It should work with most lightbox system. My preference theses days is to disable lightboxing in NextGen and let ‘WP Jquery Lightbox’ plugin do the work (correctly).


    Renambot, it seems they break your code in the new version. They no longer recognize custom template gallery-captionexif.php

    Do you know why is that?

    It still works for me, see:

    If you updated nextgen, make sure to put back the template file. Upgrades will delete your custom templates.


    No wonder…the template is gone. I copy the template back into the system and now it works. Thanks.

    Hi everybody,

    I would like to add exifs in the image descrption using lightbox pro with nextgen gallery pro. Any idea how to do so ?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    lordshak3r, I think the post from renambot should still work.


    Copy and save the code as ‘gallery-captionexif.php’ in:

    As an example it just adds some exif data to the title field (alt-text / title).

    In your post, use something like:
    [nggallery id=42 template=captionexif]

    It should work with most lightbox system. My preference theses days is to disable lightboxing in NextGen and let ‘WP Jquery Lightbox’ plugin do the work (correctly).

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