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  • Thread Starter phattrance


    try and use the ‘next_post_link()’ code with that text instead a fixed text:

    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:left;"><h3><strong><?php <?php next_post_link('%link', '<<< Newer LOL Pics', false); ?></strong></h3><br>

    Thread Starter phattrance


    can you give me the entire html code that i should paste instead? when i try to add that one ill break the page etc. thx

    my mistake ??
    (i had an extra php tag in the code);

    corrected here:

    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:left;"><h3><strong><?php next_post_link('%link', '<<< Newer LOL Pics', false); ?></strong></h3><br>
    Thread Starter phattrance


    Just tried the code and it works a bit better, but it still messed up the lauout of were the thumbnails are. i have taken two screenshots. this is with your code added to the php: and this is without your code:

    as you can see the thumbnails gets stuck togeather when adding your code.

    Heres the default code. can you add the newer and older code to it for me?

    <div id="cooler-nav" class="navigation">
                    <?php $nextPost = get_next_post(false);
    					if($nextPost) { ?>
                    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:left;"><h3><strong><<< Newer LOL Pics</strong></h3><br>
    					<?php $nextthumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail($nextPost->ID, array(130,130) ); } ?>
    					<?php next_post_link('%link',"$nextthumbnail <br> %title", false); ?>
                    <?php $prevPost = get_previous_post(false);
    					if($prevPost) {?>
    					<div class="nav-box previous" style="float:right;"> <h3><strong>Older LOL Pics >>></strong></h3><br>
                        <?php $prevthumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail($prevPost->ID, array(130,130) );}?>
                        <?php previous_post_link('%link',"$prevthumbnail <br> %title", false); ?>
                    </div><!--#cooler-nav div -->
    <br style="clear:both;"/>

    with a link in the top text, the html structure is changed;

    this might need to be considered in the css;

    without a live link to your site, there is not much i can do.

    when you changed the code, did you make sure to keep the ‘float:right;’ in the code for the prev post link?
    in this line:

    <div class="nav-box previous" style="float:right;"> <h3><strong>Older LOL Pics >>></strong></h3><br>

    Thread Starter phattrance


    yes i just copy and paste it. i can send you my single.php file if you like

    can you post the version with the linked text above the thumbs, that didn’t really work?

    just in case:
    this would be the code to paste for the ‘prev post link’:

    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:right;"><h3><strong><?php previous_post_link('%link', 'Older LOL Pics >>>', false); ?></strong></h3><br>

    Thread Starter phattrance


    can you post the code for the “newer lol pics” too? like this code:

    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:right;"><h3><strong><?php previous_post_link('%link', 'Older LOL Pics >>>', false); ?></strong></h3><br>

    and ill try to add both

    this should be it:

    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:left;"><h3><strong><?php next_post_link('%link', '<<< Newer LOL Pics', false); ?></strong></h3><br>

    Thread Starter phattrance


    Thank you, it seems to be working now. ??

    i also want to add the text above the post image. i added this code were it should be placed but one of the links got placed in the tag section while the other one got placed were it should be. do i need to add something extra for them to be placed in the correct position?


    The code im using:

    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:right;"><h3><strong><?php previous_post_link('%link', 'Older LOL Pics >>>', false); ?></strong></h3><br>
    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:left;"><h3><strong><?php next_post_link('%link', '<<< Newer LOL Pics', false); ?></strong></h3><br>

    if this is all the code that you copied to the new location, then the code is missing the closing </div>s;

    possibly corrected below:

    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:right;"><h3><strong><?php previous_post_link('%link', 'Older LOL Pics >>>', false); ?></strong></h3><br></div>
    <div class="nav-box next" style="float:left;"><h3><strong><?php next_post_link('%link', '<<< Newer LOL Pics', false); ?></strong></h3><br></div>
    Thread Starter phattrance


    thank you, it works great!

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