• Resolved ma3ry


    I have never used “next” or “previous” on any of my websites. Now I think it would be practical on some of my pages at https://plantbest.com but I can’t find out how to do it. I’ve read several articles on putting code into certain pages like index.php, single.php, table_tags, etc but which one should I use?

    I tried a couple of plugins but nothing shows up.

    1. Is there an easy way to put “Next” and “Previous” at the bottom of pages in a certain category?

    2. Is this what is meant by “pagination” or is that only when you break pages into more than one?


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  • Tom, now I know you secret for extremely active support for GeneratePress. You work night and day!! Do take care of yourself. We need you.

    1. I believe GP is based on the Twenty-fifteen WP Theme. Will what ever works on Twenty-fifteen work in GP? If so I’ll do a search for a Page solution to Pagination.

    I’ve only used WP and GP for Pages, not Posts. I’m an old fellow and it is “hard to teach an old dog new tricks”!!

    2. Can a Page be turned into a Post easily? I think it can, but I have never tired.

    Thank you for your patience with this 3/4 century old fossil,

    Tom, I hope you are getting some sleep.

    I checked out my Nu. 2 question and no need to answer that question.

    I made a Post, “Test of Post Pagination”
    using copy paste from: https://www.parapometricsinternational.com/infinite-scroll-in-wordpress/
    To: https://www.parapometricsinternational.com/test-of-post-pagination/
    but, alas, no Pagination shows up?

    Any suggestions? I will work on this problem today and let you know if I find the solution. I know my customer will demand Pagination for these sites that are close to his heart.

    I would still like to know question 1. answer, please:
    1. I believe GP is based on the Twenty-fifteen WP Theme. Will what ever works on Twenty-fifteen work in GP? Plugins, Widgets, etc.

    Thanks again,

    Theme Author Tom


    Hi Don,

    GP isn’t based on Twenty Fifteen – it was developed from scratch. However, everything that works with Twenty Fifteen will work with GP ??

    The pagination should only work when you have enough posts to warrant a second page.

    Go to “Settings > Reading” and set “Blog page shows at most” to 1 post.

    Then add more than 1 post and you should see pagination show up.

    Thanks, Tom, for clarification on Twenty Fifteen.

    I have already made the setting suggestions you have given, but we must define the beginning and the end of the Post. I’m not sure how we could do it without it being evident.

    We must have hidden code for the beginning and the end of what we will call a Post. My customer will not accept anything else. My might get away with a beginning being a page number and the end being “End of Page”, etc. I am wondering if we can get something out of the following website to work.

    Shortcode possibilities:

    It may be possible to not use a plugin at all, but only short code.

    Any direction or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I hope this is the last great hurdle we face with this customer. All else seems to be coming into line.


    Theme Author Tom


    Hi Don,

    I’m not too sure what you mean by defining the beginning and end of the post.

    In order for pagination to show up, you need to have more than 1 page of posts. Do you have more than 1 page of posts on your site?

    In your first message you said you had only pages, no posts?

    I hope our project is not impossible, Tom. I’m getting discouraged.

    Yes, to begin with I had only pages, but now I have two Posts:
    but nothing happens. There is still no pagination happening.

    Besides, I hope we can come up with a better solution. The customer has a 700 page pdf for me to install. Doing it this way would take ages, as it involves making many pages. He is a prolific writer, and this 700 pages is only the tip of the iceberg.

    Please have a look at Shortcode possibilities:
    I don’t see how these would work, unless in conjunction with some Plugin.

    Sorry to be such a problem,

    Theme Author Tom


    Hi Don,

    Any chance you can start a new topic? This one is running a little long ??

    Two posts most likely isn’t enough to initiate pagination unless you have it set that way.

    However, this plugin may be helpful for your specific case: https://pagelinksplus.com/

    Thanks, Tom.

    Yes, I set it to 1 post per page.

    I’ll try to link you provided.


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