• I am using the Next-Page Quicktag to break some long posts into 6 or 7 discrete pages. Despite this, I would like the option to view the posts as a whole as well. Is there a way to do this?

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  • Since moshu and Kaf have not taken a crack at it, I want to present a
    humble solution: Corrections and comments most welcome.
    I created a page template as described in “Creating posts using a custom select
    I changed the query to:

    $pageposts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT wposts.* FROM $wpdb->posts wposts
    WHERE wposts.ID = $pid AND
    wposts.post_status = 'publish' AND wposts.post_date < NOW() ORDER BY wposts.post_date DESC", OBJECT);

    I defined $pid as:
    $pid = $_GET['id'];

    I replaced meat of the loop from
    the_content(__('Read the rest of this entry ?'));


    echo ($post->post_content);

    I then created a page (page_id = 15)based on the above template and gave it a slug “fullpost”.
    I changed the .htaccess so all links pointing to
    /blog/index.php?page_id=15&id=[postid] become

    I then created a link to the whole post in the post with <!–nexttag–> as:

    <a href="/blog/fullpost/12.html">See whole post one page </a>

    where 12 is my paged post id. that’s it!

    Hope this helps someone.

    Interesting idea and probably people will find it useful.
    (btw, I can’t write one single line of code – that’s Kaf’s “domain”…:)

    My above solution does not work completely. since I am not
    using the_content(..) all my post’s formatting is off.

    Any help please?

    bhaaskar, good idea. Thanks for an example of a code.

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