• At the bottom of my main blog page (https://www.dmk.com.au/blog showing latest 4 entries), the “Next Page >” link doesn’t work.

    It links to: https://www.dmk.com.au/blog/page/2/

    Where it *should* actually link to is: https://www.dmk.com.au/blog/index.php/page/2/

    If I load that 2nd URL manually into the browser, I can browse my archives successfully. But it won’t work from the automatically generated link:

    <p align="center"><?php posts_nav_link() ?></p>

    That is in my index.php file in my template.

    When I’m in one of my categories (eg DMK News, with 11 entries), this works as it should.

    If I hard-code the above code on the main index to be:

    <p align="center"><a href="https://www.dmk.com.au/blog/index.php/page/2/">Earlier Posts &raquo;</a></p>

    Then it breaks once it is showing on page 2 and subsequent pages…. as this code is used, not the proper navigation that it usually generated by posts_nav_link.

    I’ve read through about 20 relevant support topics on this, but haven’t found a solution. Most are where people NEED to have the link I am currently getting, and they don’t want the one I need. Or it’s an IIS issue with Windows, or domain pointing, and I have none of that as an issue. Same for the posts_nav_link page of the Codex, that didn’t help me either.

    In trying to find a solutioni, I (stupidly it turned out!) tried to set my Site URL in the general options to be: https://www.dmk.com.au/blog/index.php

    But once I hit update, I lost my whole WordPress interface, and my whole website lost complete templates/styling – just plain database page entries. Had to manually edit the database table to fix that, to restore the old value.

    I thought it might be that because my blog displays as:




    actually works. So I tried also looking at:


    But when I hard-code it to https://www.dmk.com.au/blog/index.php I get “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.” — which is the error message I’m getting now for https://www.dmk.com.au/blog/page/2/ when I try to go through my archives.

    I have a static home page (www.dmk.com.au is base/blog address, and “home” is the page slug).

    Permalinks are working fine, browsing pages of posts is working fine in categories, not just on main page. I also tried disabling each plugin I use (only 5 of them, and none are affecting this code), and I don’t use the Adhesive plugin which seems to cause navigation troubles for some other users.

    I have 2.1.3 running, but this has been happening for a while. I just decided today to try and fix it, as I was already doing the 2.1.3 upgrade.

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  • Thread Starter deank


    I’m still having the same problem with the issues described above, any help would be very much appreciated, thanks!

    I am curious if you remove the “static frontpage” does it work?
    If yes, then it must be an old (pre-2.1) bug: in those versions when we were using a home.php template file in the theme – it also broke the next/prev navigation.

    Thread Starter deank


    rudolf45 — yes, it does work when I remove the static front page setting and just have my latest blog posts!

    If it’s an old bug, does that mean I wait until it’s fixed in an upcoming release, or is there a fix/solution in the meantime?

    Many thanks for identifying the problem! I’d tried turning off plugins, but not changing static homepage setting (using 2.1.3).

    I have a similar problem. posts_nav_link works in every page but not in my front page: https://www.latintop.com but if I go to https://www.latintop.com/index.php it works. On front page it generate this link: https://www.latintop.com/index.phpIndex.php/page/2/
    I had read everything I could but I had not found any solution.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I fixed my problem by editing function get_pagenum_link in link-template.php.
    I added
    $qstr = str_replace"index.phpIndex.php","index.php",$qstr);
    return $qstr;
    Hope this help.

    I tried it, couldn’t get it to work. Any help?

    I have the same index.phpIndex.php problem.
    I tried modifying the link-template.php as Latintop suggest but didn’t work for me.
    Any suggestion?

    Try this, see if it works.

    $qstr = str_replace("index.phpIndex.php","index.php",$qstr);

    LOL Latinpost missed out the bracket in the code .

    But this certainly work , just make sure the code is correct and placed just before return $qstr

    for WP 2.3, you need to use the following

    $result = str_replace("index.php/Index.php","index.php",$result);



    not sure if my problem is 100% the same. when you click the next page link at the bottom of my main page https://www.thefullpint.com the address changes to https://thefullpint.com/page/2 but it is all the same posts as the main page. if i keep clicking next every page is still the same. i can’t seem to locate the link-template.php file mentioned above, where might i find it?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    not sure if my problem is 100% the same.

    Bet it’s not. Do you have a reference to “query_posts” anywhere in your theme?



    i found

    ‘<?php $temp_query = $wp_query; query_posts(‘showposts=5&cat=all’); ?>’

    in the index.php page

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Well, there’s your problem then. Change the query posts bit to this:




    awesome, that did it. thanks a bunch Otto42.

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