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  • I would also like to know how to have the titles show under the thumbnail on the page and under the picture in the lightbox when you click on a picture. Thanks for any help.

    Ashish Tirkey, have you filled the description field near the images in manage gallery?
    Then, you don’t have to select caption because all lightbox effects but highslide show the description. Alt&title, they are attributes.

    Hi All

    I need to to change this so it picks up the alt&title and NOT from the description box?

    My Client has hundreds of images importing and it is a major job to cut and paste from the Alt&title box to the description box. Why is this defaulted to the wrong field?

    Any one know how I can change this so the image displays the caption from the Alt&title field?? Need this ASAP as my client has a major shoot to upload in the next couple of days!

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