• Hello all – I run a photoblog using WP and most of it seems to be doing great, except the next and previous functions for past entries (the current entry seems to be ok). When I click them, I get nothing, and the graphic does not appear. I am using the Arzel theme.

    Note: this symptom happens most in IE, not Firefox.

    link: https://www.wcphotoworks.com/photoblog/

    I am hoping someone might take a quick run through my site(past entries) and suggest a fix for this. I’d like it to be easier for visitors to browse past images.

    Bonus Q! – I would like to create a archive page of thumbed images for all posts if anyone knows how to make that happen. If you can get this up and running, I’ll send you a free high qual 11×14 re-print of anything in my portfolio!

    portfolio: https://www.wcphotoworks.com/gallery/

    Best e-gards,
    Steve Cherry

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  • Next and Previous work fine for me, FireFox 1.5b, mac os X.

    As far as an archive page, have you tried looking at a plugin like https://fredfred.net/skriker/index.php/iimage-browser

    It easily allows you to create thumbnails for your images directly in the post, and allows for various ways of clicking on the image for a larger one. (as it is, the large images, at 600×800 at least, cover the rest of the page) Then when you use the regular archive feature, the thumbnails are already there. Also, have you looked at these photoblog themes?

    Thread Starter steve_cherry


    miklb – Thanks very much for these links. I had not seen them before. Image browser does not seem to solve my issue with archive page – looks more like a tool to upload images and create thumbs. I prefer to upload images to my MG2 gallery, then use the “img” tag to embed the posted image on my blog. The Taly designs look quite compelling – nice design, but again, lacking archive page of thumbs. I did notice, however, that Taly’s own photoblog has a nice image archive page:


    Also – I edited the above to reflect that the “next” “previous” trouble comes when I click on a past posting in Internet Explorer – problem goes away for most part in Firefox.

    Another option for that archive is using the excerpt feature. The default wordpress theme shows only the post excerpt when looking at the archives, so if you set a thumbnail image as the post excerpt that should work. In archive.php for the theme you need to find <div class="entry"> and then there will be a piece of PHP which should look something like <?php the_content() ?>. Just replace that with <?php the_excerpt() ?> to make the excerpt display in archives.

    Edit: As to the Previous/Next issue, for me the links work fine in both IE and Firefox but the images display in neither apart from on the first page. This is because it is using relative links for the images. What you need to do is place either <?php bloginfo('url'); ?> in front of the link or just your url, so the template file reads:

    <img src="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>wp-content/themes/arzel_xt2/images/previouspage.gif"

    and the page source comes out as:

    <img src="https://www.wcphotoworks.com/photoblog/wp-content/themes/arzel_xt2/images/previouspage.gif"

    Thread Starter steve_cherry


    Ian – Thank you as well, I have not tried excerpt for this, so will try playing with an old post to see if I can get that to work. I think I understand your directions re: archive and php changes. Will this create an archive of thumbs that I can click to get to the original full size posted pic?

    Not sure I understand the next/previous part – I don’t think I understand what you mean by “template file reads” Is that the code I put into the original post to make it work?

    Hi, glad I could be of my help. Unfortunately one disadvantage of my suggested excerpt method is that you will have to specify the excerpt for each post yourself, and therefore either:

    a) create and upload a thumbnail for each pic and then add the <img> code for the thumnail to the excerpt


    b) specify the excerpt to be the same picture but with smaller dimensions each time.

    The next/previous part is refering to coding in the index.php file for your theme. Near the bottom underneath the coding for displaying the post will be some coding that will look something like this:

    <div align="center">
    <?php next_posts_link('<img src="wp-content/themes/arzel_xt2/images/previouspage.gif" alt="Previous Page" />') ?>???
    <?php previous_posts_link('<img src="wp-content/themes/arzel_xt2/images/nextpage.gif" alt="Next Page" />') ?>

    You will need to change it to something like this:

    <div align="center">
    <?php next_posts_link('<img src="https://www.wcphotoworks.com/photoblog/wp-content/themes/arzel_xt2/images/previouspage.gif" alt="Previous Page" />') ?>???
    <?php previous_posts_link('<img src="https://www.wcphotoworks.com/photoblog/wp-content/themes/arzel_xt2/images/nextpage.gif" alt="Next Page" />') ?>

    Thread Starter steve_cherry


    Ok – I have been playing with this off and on for a while, and I am afraid I am just out of time. So far, the excerpt function got me the closest, but no cigar. Ian – the code above(previous/next) produced weird results so I just left the original code intact for now lest I ruin the space-time continuum and completely screw this up – please forgive my lack of understanding there.

    Let’s assume the following:

    1. all high-res images for posting already exist in a folder (gallery program called MG2) called imagename.jpg
    2. thumbs are also all created and reside on the same folder with exception: imagename_thumb.jpg
    3. My Arzel theme does not come with files “archive.php” and “archives.php” (need to create those I think)
    4. I have a page created called “archives” and all images are under category “archives”

    How do I get those thumbs to post on that page I created called “archives” using the excerpt box?

    Thread Starter steve_cherry


    Ian – If you have a look at my blog you’ll see that I ended up going back to the Blueblurry theme to accomplish what I needed. Your advice on excerpts got me going on the archive problem, and looking at old documentation by Pat got my archives running. I can’t find an email for you, but you got me the closest to a solution, and true to my word, if you have a favorite image you’d like a print of, please let me know and I’ll get one sent out to you. Thanks again for your willingness to help.

    Steve Cherry

    Maybe it’s too late… but all my themes allow to use an archive page just like the one on my photoblog.

    Just follow the instructions from the tutorials (https://www.taly.com.ar/tan/index.php/tutorial/):

    …if you wish to show an archive page with all your thumbnails you just have to go to WRITE>PAGES and create a page called a€?Archivesa€? using as default template a€?Archivesa€?

    The code that i’m using is this:

    <?php $arc_query = new WP_Query(‘orderby=post_date&order=DESC&showposts=-1’); ?>
    <?php while ($arc_query->have_posts()) : $arc_query->the_post(); ?> ” title=”<?php the_title(); ?>”><?php echo $post->post_excerpt; ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

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