• Hi there!
    I’ve just installed wordpress and edited the about-page. I haven’t edited the style sheet, just installed everything and edited the page through the admin interface.

    My problem is that some of the rows get extremely long and overlap the menu to the right. This feels really odd, because when i look at the sourcecode nothing looks strange at all.

    Another strange thing was that when I (in the admin interface) edited the text and removed a whitespace by pressing backspace, and then added the whitespace again with the space-key there was a row-wrap in the admin-editor. But to the even stranger things… the same row-wrap now occured on the webpage, without any trace at all in the sourcecode.

    Why is my text overlapping the menu instead of wrapping as it should? (some rows wrap nicely).

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  • link?

    Thread Starter alexandersk


    sorry, i forgot the link =)


    the same problem seems to exist on some other pages too (I havent added to much text yet so i’m not sure).

    try disabling the calendar plugin.

    Thread Starter alexandersk


    didn’t seem to work. it’s deactivated now and the code is removed from the sidebar. =/

    That’s okay – I just wanted to check something.

    It appears that the issue starts with this line:

    “m.m. D? musik ?r en av de saker jag ?gnar mitt liv ?t tyckte jag att det var”

    I don’t know what “mm” is…and I don’t speak Swedish (it looks like Swedish to me, so pardon me if I’m wrong) – except for a few dirty phrases the guys at my old job taught me (I used to work in a Swedish restaurant) – but for some reason the line breaks stop with that section of your post.

    It’s very odd.

    Can you create another post? Something simple? Like here – copy and paste this and just put it in the post body – just to see what happens:

    Olim facilisi plaga et ideo singularis enim.

    Abluo duis accumsan antehabeo enim odio quis, odio dolor tum ne neque nullus. Luptatum vulpes occuro reprobo ut suscipit multo ex esca mos, luptatum. Iusto iaceo vel mara te, oppeto praemitto abbas veniam luctus. Delenit erat, abdo iusto nostrud os minim.

    Quidem plaga sudo, loquor, voco ea. Utrum, premo roto nunc epulae voco praesent valde in si. Validus neo consequat accumsan imputo eligo ingenium, duis eum. Sagaciter, camur, tamen illum, quod, eu iusto consequat, sino suscipit eum eu. Caecus, nisl nobis amet esca ulciscor uxor te qui, odio ingenium nostrud natu os similis. Sagaciter laoreet regula, hos, opes proprius. Foras consectetuer ex in eum blandit ea ad, capio.

    Thread Starter alexandersk


    Yes, It’s swedish =)
    When i pasted your text it seems to work..it feels very odd, but maybe it’s the swedish characters that messes things up?

    I don’t know – I’m looking at the main blog page, and there’s a post down there about a festival that is also doing it.

    Have you tried changing themes? Maybe it’s something in the theme. I cannot find the error myself, either. It’s very odd behavior.

    I’d try changing the theme and see what that does.

    Thread Starter alexandersk


    I’ve tried a few other themes now, some of the work some don’t. Feels realy strange. A lots of other people must have had this problem to as it has to do with the css. But maybe i?’ll just have to stick with one of the themes that work =/

    Well, I looked at your CSS, and there’s nothing in there that affects this non-breaking string of characters. I even tried the “word-wrap:break-word;” in your .post div, and it still doesn’t do anything (because the words *are* broken – what’s left to do?)

    It’s not the CSS file that’s at fault. It’s a very odd thing, though. I can’t imagine what could be causing it.

    By the way – don’t change anything. I’m asking a couple of lists I’m on to see if someone might know something about this…they will want to see this error in action so they can look at it. So just wait a little bit before changing anything please ??

    Okay Alexander – I’ve got some interesting input from the question I posted last night to one of my lists. I’m going to share what they’ve commented on…

    1) Your doctype declares the site’s language to be English, but your site is actually in Swedish. One person actually copied and pasted your code elsewhere, and when the text came up, there were lots of question marks in place of text and characters – as if you were writing your posts in Word and copying/pasting them into WordPress. Not saying that’s what it is (and if it is, don’t ever do that!), but the fact is that browsers are rendering it as English due to the encoding you have, but you’re writing in Swedish. So one thing you might want to do is go into your header.php file and change this (close to the Doctype declaration at the top):

    <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

    to this:

    <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"" xml:lang="sv" lang="sv">

    2) Your character encoding could also be contributing – one person tried changing it and said it made things fall into place. So try loggin ginto your admin panel, go to “Options>Reading” and under “Encoding”, change “UTF-8” to “iso-8859-1”.

    You may also need to change “attempt #1 above from what I said to change it to, to this:

    <html lang="en">

    They’re telling me that, when they view the code, they can see…well, I’ll just quote one of them:

    “Try cutting and pasting either the code straight out of the page or the sourcecode into Word, then turn on invisibles and bring your fontsize up: You’ll see there is a special character that’s being translated by the browser as a non-breaking space. You can recreate that character in Word with a Ctrl-Shift-Spacebar: Word’s version of the Non-Breaking Space.”

    She passed along a couple of links for you to read up on this phenomenon:

    standard Unicode spaces:

    general Non-Breaking Spaces:

    So, in the end, it *looks* like you’re using the wrong encoding for your site *and* you’re writing some posts in Microsoft Word, and then copy/pasting them into WordPress.

    Using Word is ALWAYS A BAD IDEA. If you’re going to write posts outside of WordPress, use Notepad (or some other plain text editor). By the way, if you’re using Outlook and emailing these posts in, you should know that IE has “upgraded” Outlook to use Microsoft Word when writing HTML emails. So even if you think you’re not using it, and you’ve posted by Email using Outlook, you *are* using Word, you just didn’t know it.

    So lets try these things (you may have to delete and rewrite the posts, because it won’t automatically change what’s already been formatted) and see if it helps.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Instead of deleting and rewriting posts, might be able to cut them, paste into notepad+ or notepad2, then cut and paste back – sometimes that’ll remove the “objectionable” formatting….

    Thread Starter alexandersk


    Hmm, strange. All i did was using the included admin interface. I’ve tried copying the text into open office. No strange characters (only where they’re supposed to be). Changeing the character encoding to iso-8859-1 didn’t work. The only change was that all swedish characters changed into ?. After editing the text in the wordpress admin interface the ? changed back into real characters. But still, the linebreaks aren’t there.

    If feels very strange because all i did was installing wordpress and started writing. I’ve installed swedish language support, but changing back to english didn’t help.

    I feel sad that wordpress obviously doesn’t work correctly with swedish characters. I’ve done some webprogramming my self before but nothing seems wrong when i look at the sourcecode.

    Thread Starter alexandersk


    Hmm, somehow (by changing encoding to iso-8859-1, resaving the post, changing back to utf-8 and resaving the post (copied from gedit)) made it… but I’ve still got the problem in other posts, and they’re not written in any other program… I don’t feel that its possible to allways have this problem when i post to the blog… somehow there has got to be a good solution =)

    Thread Starter alexandersk


    I found a solution now (I think, it has at least worked for a few entries). I copied the text to Open office. Rewrote the parts which had strange non-breaking-spaces instead of normal spaces. Copied the text back to wordpress and voala, it looks normal again.

    Still strange that only some of the entries had non-breaking-spaces but anyway, it works now so i’m kind of happy =)

    thanks a lot for your help!

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