Hi @alanah,
There is a conflict with some page builder themes/plugins. All you need to do to fix it is to add some filter functions; you don’t need to remove any existing functionality!
Here are the filter functions you need to add:
add_filter( 'yikes_woo_use_the_content_filter', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'yikes_woo_filter_main_tab_content', 'yikes_woo_custom_tab_content_filter', 10, 1 );
function yikes_woo_custom_tab_content_filter( $content ) {
$content = function_exists( 'capital_P_dangit' ) ? capital_P_dangit( $content ) : $content;
$content = function_exists( 'wptexturize' ) ? wptexturize( $content ) : $content;
$content = function_exists( 'convert_smilies' ) ? convert_smilies( $content ) : $content;
$content = function_exists( 'wpautop' ) ? wpautop( $content ) : $content;
$content = function_exists( 'shortcode_unautop' ) ? shortcode_unautop( $content ) : $content;
$content = function_exists( 'prepend_attachment' ) ? prepend_attachment( $content ) : $content;
$content = function_exists( 'wp_make_content_images_responsive' ) ? wp_make_content_images_responsive( $content ) : $content;
$content = function_exists( 'do_shortcode' ) ? do_shortcode( $content ) : $content;
if ( class_exists( 'WP_Embed' ) ) {
// Deal with URLs
$embed = new WP_Embed;
$content = method_exists( $embed, 'autoembed' ) ? $embed->autoembed( $content ) : $content;
return $content;
Let me know if you need any help adding this code to your site.