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  • Posts! You don’t have “pages” in categories – only posts…

    Thread Starter rica125


    Maybe I should clarify. Lets say I have page A. and in page A i have many sub pages. Is their a way in page A that I can display the latest/newest sub pages of page A.

    Does that make sense?

    Not yet. When you say “pages” are you referring to Pages?
    If yes, Pages are outside of the chronological stream of the posts – so, no, there is no “recent Pages” feature.

    Thread Starter rica125


    Yes I was referring to pages. Thank you for the info.

    Anyone know if their’s a plugin for it?

    A plugin for what?
    I just said about what you posted in your first post – it cannot work. Read the suggested resources… and the replies.

    I’m looking for the same thing rica125. I used to use the Customizable Post Listings plugin – pages have a category ID of 1 so it was easy to use for pages – but that no longer works.

    I’ve seen some pretty complex plugins so a recent pages plugin shouldn’t be too hard to code. The plugin would search the posts table for pages (post_category = 1) that have a post_parent of X (whatever number you specify) then sort by post_date with the newest pages first.

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