• Hello,

    I’ve followed the 5 minute instructions for installing WordPress and spent an inordinate amount of time reading the support forums as well as the codex, but can’t seem to get up and running.

    My blog is located at https://www.waitingcasually.com and in my WordPress options I’ve selected that URL as my Blog address. Currently all files are in a folder called ‘blog’ located in my root directory.

    Whenever I go to ‘Write’ to create a new post, the Publish action doesn’t seem to have any effect.

    I’ve tried:

    1) renaming my current index.html file to index_old.html and creating a new, relatively blank index.html file that calls the style.css from the wp-content/themes/default folder, but that didn’t do anything

    2) accessing my MySQL db to see if WordPress had access and there are now a bunch of new tables (wp_users, wp_posts, etc.) so that seems to be in order.

    In short, everything appears to be installed correctly, but some configuration thing is off because I can’t post. I’d be forever in your debt if you could help. Thanks.

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  • Your WordPress blog is here:

    WP uses .php files, and having an index.html where it is will complicate things.

    Change both url’s to
    for now and check WP works. After it does, you will need to remove any index files from the
    location and then move WP into that space.

    Thread Starter tetsuo316


    Thanks, podz. That’s definitely a step in the right direction.

    When I change the URI of my blog to /blog/, I can view and post just fine (https://www.waitingcasually.com/blog/). However, if I change he URI to root, I receive a 403 error when attempting to view it.

    Can you shed some light? Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Thread Starter tetsuo316


    Just read your last comment again. Do you mean that I should move all folders/files out of the /blog/ folder on my host into root? I was hoping to keep my site content somewhat organized on the host side while still being able to post to root through WP.

    ON the top of this page click DOCS > Installation > Have WordPress files and blog in different directories.
    There is also a guide in the Codex: Moving_WordPress

    Thread Starter tetsuo316


    Thank you moshu, that did the trick. Coming from MovableType I think I brought with me some ideas (like ‘index.html is fine’ and ‘everything can be in different directories as log as the config files have the right information’) about configuration that were screwing up this installation.

    Thanks again to both of you.

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