• Hello! Just created my first blog. Yey! It is a standard of course but fits the theme of my website perfectly.
    The only thing I don’t like is the header. I would like to be able to change it to fit my website.
    Would anyone explain to me how to do it without any programming/ php knowledge?
    If anyone is looking for a guinee pig for a new “theme”, I’ll volunteer.
    My blog: https://blog.leafpure.com
    Thanks! Agnieszka

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  • go to your theme folder and edit the header file .


    you dont need any kind of programming , maybe just some basics css and html editing ..

    Thread Starter leafpure


    I am sorry, I don’t know how to do this. I am completely new to blogging and this WP system.
    I know basic html and style sheets but I don’t know how to get to the code.
    When I go to the link you gave, the main published page comes up. And within the administration there are only a few choices for the headers. I need a completely different my own header, not their headers.
    I would really appreciate somebody helping me out.

    You don’t edit the template files of a theme online. (Actually, you could but it’s not good for the health of your blog ??
    So, I assume you have a copy of your theme on the computer > open the header.php file (as chaaban said) in a text editor – NOT Word, God forbid! – and using your html and css knowledge, just replace the existing header image with yours. Or add yours, if there is no image.
    And next time put a link in your profile not to a general website but the blog.

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