I think the point to be made about “free” and “credit cards” is .. if it’s free, why do you need CC info?
And “Click to receive a free…” Just say “Receive a free…” and the link is as it should be. People know to click on a link; say something more meaningful than “Click here.” (By doing that, you are missing another great opportunity for good keywording, too.)
Also, the buttons and CC images that are below that are hogging valuable real estate “above the fold” that is better used for the firm’s latest news, IMHO.
NEVER have a live site say it’s “under construction.” All web sites by definition are (or should be) dynamic and constantly changing. That’s a bit different than just missing information. Go ahead and use the handy cFormsII plugin to craft a complex “Evaluation” form that users can submit. In the meantime, drop the “under construction” jargon. It does not inspire faith. Leaving it off doesn’t detract because you already have the invitation to contact the firm for the free evaluation. Make sense?
Other than that, it’s a very nice, clean design; reminds me a bit of the kind of legal web sites that https://www.paperstreet.com turns out.