• Woo, first post. Anyway, I’ve begun work on a new layout for WordPress’ back end (wp-admin) that, at least in my personal opinion, is much nicer to use than the current design. Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like and here’s a preliminary jab at the post page. (Just a note: this is all CSS so far, but there are some PHP code changes I’d like to make to edit-form.php.)

    Even if, say, the main WP developer (whoever you are…*waves*) doesn’t decide to accept this exact style sheet (obviously it’s too colorful and serif-less :-D), there is one key change that I think the WordPress GUI would benefit from. WordPress desperately needs a permanent sidebar. It may seem clich??, but sidebars truly reduce clutter; for example, placing all “advanced editing” options on post.php’s sidebar would remove the need for an advanced editing mode.

    One other little thing I’d like to see is a large title input box on the post/edit page. It’s always seemed that one of the most important attributes of a post has received far too little emphasis.

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  • It would be awesome if we could have a theme that matched this. ??

    Maybe someone here can answer this simple question related to modifying the admin theme… I just want to make the font in the textareas bigger. I’ve been poking at the stylesheet, tried changing a few different bits, with no effect.

    I want the text that I type into the textarea when creating a new post to be a few points larger. Sometimes, when I’m adding code to a post, it’s just too small. I have to enlarge the font on the whole screen and that kind of throws everything out of whack.

    Can you specify specifically which css tag needs to be changed? Thanks!

    Try this: in /wp-admin/wp-admin.css, add to textarea, input, select {} (which has a bunch of stuff in it already) the following selector: font-size:200%;

    That should show you some change. You can tweak the sizing from there.

    Thanks! That did the trick! I shifted it to 120% which enlarged the text a little but didn’t blow the page out of proportion.

    Nice Admin Interface .


    Think this one will get updated for 2.0?



    I wish it would get updated for 2.0. I like it better than SpotMilk

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