• Resolved Mike Hampton


    Site shows fine when logged in but when logged out, the old front page shows – https://www.rasspl.com. Old theme has been deleted. Site should look like the other pages e.g. https://www.rasspl.com/about-rsspl.

    I’ve read the suggestion that default.php file should be changed to default-bak.php but i cannot find the default.php in public_html/wp-admin.

    The index.php contents (which is beyond my understanding) is:

    * Dashboard Administration Screen
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Administration

    /** Load WordPress Bootstrap */
    require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/admin.php’ );

    /** Load WordPress dashboard API */
    require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php’);


    wp_enqueue_script( ‘dashboard’ );
    if ( current_user_can( ‘edit_theme_options’ ) )
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘customize-loader’ );
    if ( current_user_can( ‘install_plugins’ ) )
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘plugin-install’ );
    if ( current_user_can( ‘upload_files’ ) )
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘media-upload’ );

    if ( wp_is_mobile() )
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery-touch-punch’ );

    $title = __(‘Dashboard’);
    $parent_file = ‘index.php’;

    $help = ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Welcome to your WordPress Dashboard! This is the screen you will see when you log in to your site, and gives you access to all the site management features of WordPress. You can get help for any screen by clicking the Help tab in the upper corner.’ ) . ‘</p>’;

    // Not using chaining here, so as to be parseable by PHP4.
    $screen = get_current_screen();

    $screen->add_help_tab( array(
    ‘id’ => ‘overview’,
    ‘title’ => __( ‘Overview’ ),
    ‘content’ => $help,
    ) );

    // Help tabs

    $help = ‘<p>’ . __( ‘The left-hand navigation menu provides links to all of the WordPress administration screens, with submenu items displayed on hover. You can minimize this menu to a narrow icon strip by clicking on the Collapse Menu arrow at the bottom.’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Links in the Toolbar at the top of the screen connect your dashboard and the front end of your site, and provide access to your profile and helpful WordPress information.’ ) . ‘</p>’;

    $screen->add_help_tab( array(
    ‘id’ => ‘help-navigation’,
    ‘title’ => __( ‘Navigation’ ),
    ‘content’ => $help,
    ) );

    $help = ‘<p>’ . __( ‘You can use the following controls to arrange your Dashboard screen to suit your workflow. This is true on most other administration screens as well.’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Screen Options — Use the Screen Options tab to choose which Dashboard boxes to show.’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Drag and Drop — To rearrange the boxes, drag and drop by clicking on the title bar of the selected box and releasing when you see a gray dotted-line rectangle appear in the location you want to place the box.’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Box Controls — Click the title bar of the box to expand or collapse it. Some boxes added by plugins may have configurable content, and will show a “Configure” link in the title bar if you hover over it.’ ) . ‘</p>’;

    $screen->add_help_tab( array(
    ‘id’ => ‘help-layout’,
    ‘title’ => __( ‘Layout’ ),
    ‘content’ => $help,
    ) );

    $help = ‘<p>’ . __( ‘The boxes on your Dashboard screen are:’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    if ( current_user_can( ‘edit_posts’ ) )
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘At A Glance — Displays a summary of the content on your site and identifies which theme and version of WordPress you are using.’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Activity — Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and allows you to moderate them.’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    if ( is_blog_admin() && current_user_can( ‘edit_posts’ ) )
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( “Quick Draft — Allows you to create a new post and save it as a draft. Also displays links to the 5 most recent draft posts you’ve started.” ) . ‘</p>’;
    if ( ! is_multisite() && current_user_can( ‘install_plugins’ ) )
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘WordPress News — Latest news from the official WordPress project, the WordPress Planet, and popular and recent plugins.’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘WordPress News — Latest news from the official WordPress project, the WordPress Planet.’ ) . ‘</p>’;
    if ( current_user_can( ‘edit_theme_options’ ) )
    $help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Welcome — Shows links for some of the most common tasks when setting up a new site.’ ) . ‘</p>’;

    $screen->add_help_tab( array(
    ‘id’ => ‘help-content’,
    ‘title’ => __( ‘Content’ ),
    ‘content’ => $help,
    ) );

    unset( $help );

    ‘<p>‘ . __( ‘For more information:’ ) . ‘</p>’ .
    ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Documentation on Dashboard‘ ) . ‘</p>’ .
    ‘<p>’ . __( ‘Support Forums‘ ) . ‘</p>’

    include( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/admin-header.php’ );

    <div class=”wrap”>
    <h1><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1>

    <?php if ( has_action( ‘welcome_panel’ ) && current_user_can( ‘edit_theme_options’ ) ) :
    $classes = ‘welcome-panel’;

    $option = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), ‘show_welcome_panel’, true );
    // 0 = hide, 1 = toggled to show or single site creator, 2 = multisite site owner
    $hide = 0 == $option || ( 2 == $option && wp_get_current_user()->user_email != get_option( ‘admin_email’ ) );
    if ( $hide )
    $classes .= ‘ hidden’; ?>

    <div id=”welcome-panel” class=”<?php echo esc_attr( $classes ); ?>”>
    <?php wp_nonce_field( ‘welcome-panel-nonce’, ‘welcomepanelnonce’, false ); ?>
    “><?php _e( ‘Dismiss’ ); ?>
    * Add content to the welcome panel on the admin dashboard.
    * To remove the default welcome panel, use {@see remove_action()}:
    * remove_action( ‘welcome_panel’, ‘wp_welcome_panel’ );
    * @since 3.5.0
    do_action( ‘welcome_panel’ );
    <?php endif; ?>

    <div id=”dashboard-widgets-wrap”>
    <?php wp_dashboard(); ?>
    </div><!– dashboard-widgets-wrap –>

    </div><!– wrap –>

    require( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/admin-footer.php’ );

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  • It’s really hard to say as it could be a number of things but I looked at probably 20-25 pages on your site and found that your home page and rasspl-records page both display incorrectly. However I noticed that only these pages have a scrolling banner at the bottom of the page. Try removing that on the rasspl-records page, reload and see what happens.

    I’ve read the suggestion that default.php file should be changed to default-bak.php but i cannot find the default.php in public_html/wp-admin.

    Please don’t. You shouldn’t alter WordPress core files.

    The index.php contents…

    The code you posted is actually your Admin Dashboard Administration Screen source code.

    To assist with your issue, we need to know:
    – who is your Host? (Hostgator, Godaddy, Bluehost, etc.)
    – if you can access the “File Manager” by logging into your host account?
    – or, if you have a FTP client such as Filezilla?
    – did you have an old site up before changing to WordPress?

    Thread Starter Mike Hampton


    Hi, NeTechnomad and Scottb35. Thanks for popping in.

    Yes, there was an old website and the designer isn’t responding.

    I’ve accessed it by CPanel. There i deleted approx 15 plugins that were not showing in the Dashboard, including 4 different gallery plugins (so that shouldn’t be an issue causing those 2 old pages to show.

    Changing the url name isn’t first choice as search engines lose that history but i did so for the “rasspl-records” page – i.e. issue not found but problem solved for that page.

    No the homepage….

    Thread Starter Mike Hampton


    Oops, meant “Now the home page problem…”

    Changing the url name isn’t first choice as search engines lose that history but i did so for the “rasspl-records” page – i.e. issue not found but problem solved for that page.

    Actually, that was perfect.
    (…nd never ever change your site urls in WordPress in Settings > General)

    The problem lies in two index files:
    index.php – this is the one for WordPress
    index.html – this is the one from the old site

    Go back through cPanel and find the index.html in public_html. It will be with all your single WordPress files.
    Download it first to your computer (…just as a safeguard in case it isn’t the problem).
    Then, delete it from in the public_html.
    This should put your home page right.

    Thread Starter Mike Hampton


    There’s no index.html.

    Thread Starter Mike Hampton


    There is an index.html in public_html/backup.

    “There’s no index.html.” …hmm strange.
    “There is an index.html in public_html/backup.” – no, that shouldn’t matter because it is in ‘backup’.

    In the source code for your home page, I’m seeing links to a NKS-custom plugin, Woocommerce, BBPress and the SevenMag theme, which is ‘dead’.

    Before I do something radical…
    Do you have a Static Front Page set as your “home page”? In other words, did you go to Pages and create a page named “Home”?
    If so, in you Dashboard, go to Settings > Reading and see if you have:
    – A static page (select below) checked
    – Front page: has the “Home” page selected
    – Posts page: has a page (usually Blog) selected

    Thread Starter Mike Hampton



    WordPress Address: https://www.rasspl.com
    Site Address: https://www.rasspl.com

    Reading Settings:

    Your latest posts

    It is weird that deleted plugins are showing (all of those). My plugin list is:

    In plugins:

    zencache (inactive)

    In public_html/wp-content:


    In themes:

    weaver-xtreme (which i’m using)

    One by one:

    What is this: “ai1ec_static”?
    Is this you old site?

    There are two caches:
    cache – which I don’t know which pluugin it comes from
    wfcache – nor this – unless you have used Wordfence security

    This needs to be removed, but is difficult to do: advanced-cache.php
    Can’t remove “advanced cache.php” from server

    updraft – do you mean upgrade?

    And which security plugin are you using? “wp-security-scan”

    Thread Starter Mike Hampton


    ai1ec_static, according to a gogle search, was connected to the Timely Calendar plugin – i’ve deleted it.

    Only the front page you see in your browser is the old website. If you’re referring to ai1ec_static, that was from old site.

    I don’t know which program cache is associated with but i have deleted wfcache which must have been part of old site even if, like many other plugins, it wasn’t showing. I’m using Acunetix WP Security.

    I mean Updraft. Back-up program according to google. Don’t know if the hoster or old site was using it.

    What is the purpose of advanced-cache.php. Don’t want to “unlink” before knowing what it’s meant to do. Have never made a php file. How do i unlink via C-Panel (could not see an option).

    Thanks for your continued interest.

    Thread Starter Mike Hampton


    Updraft was the problem. Took the plunge and deleted it – worked ??

    Very strange that there was no associated plugin. Must have been left over code/cache.

    Thanks to all of you here! The support makes this community special.

    You are entirely welcome. ??

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