• buskerdog


    Here’s a site I just completed: https://tinyurl.com/cp8p3y (please don’t post the name or real name of the site since I don’t want this to come up on google.)

    I’m pretty happy with the site and just thought I’d show it off but also I wanted to point out something cool that I did for the front page:
    I wanted the site’s owners to be able to highlight a few entries on the front page if they were special so I created a “*featured*” category that’s excluded from the menus and laid the excerpts for that category out in a rectangle using the page2cat plugin.

    But I didn’t want the background image to be the same for each box, since the crinkly paper would loop and look weird (and I wanted it to blend into the background without using PNGs since some browsers don’t like them) so I made this alteration to page2cat.php:

    $mycounter = 1;

    Then the loop…

    $output .= "<div id = 'infobox".$mycounter."'><a href='".get_permalink($single->ID)."'>".$single->post_excerpt."</a></div>";
    $mycounter = $mycounter+1;

    so the div id becomes infobox1, infobox2, etc, and uses a different background image each time. And if they reduce the number of *featured* entries to below 4 then there won’t be a blank piece of paper; it just won’t put anything there at all.

    Anyway, I just thought this was kind of crafty and that someone might want to use it for themselves!

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  • jrodgers


    the scrolling div on the search results page looks out of place, the scroll bar is outside the content area, and the page itself still goes ~100px beyond my screen

    also you’ve given everything a “torn paper” look around the edges except the page and the crumpled paper blocks on the home page (top and bottom edges are dead straight) compared to the rest of the layout with the torn look they don’t match

    Thread Starter buskerdog


    thanks for the first note. Gonna fix that now.

    as for the second, I thought about that but never got around to addressing it… Maybe I will. Thanks! (although looking at it again, the tops and bottoms are usually straight… maybe I’ll play with it…)



    Very nice. Great
    INove right?

    How do you get different colour on links in menu and sidebar? I only got one code line which controls all links?

    And how do I remove the space above the header.

    And how did you make those fields in the sidebar ( Most popular and so on)

    Have you removed all backgrounds?




    Really nice design, well done

    Thread Starter buskerdog


    carlowens: thanks!

    kjagen: thanks!

    It’s not iNove, it’s a completely custom theme. I coded it just as a static html page with static lists for the menus until it looked right, then I started adding WP markup to it.

    The menu and sidebar are set up with different divs. The menu is a list of pages with only a few included and the sidebar is a list of 4 included categories followed by a list of 4 included pages (or I might have used exclude here in case the client wants to add more, don’t remember.)

    Finally the sidebar in the blue box is another list of included pages that the client wanted to highlight specifically. Each of these lists has its own style. Feel free to explore the code:

    Here’s the CSS: https://tinyurl.com/d4kt7d



    Yeah the look and feel is neat!

    Thread Starter buskerdog





    very nice use of code

    Thread Starter buskerdog


    Thanks. I assume you mean the bit on the front page with the pieces of paper. I was pretty psyched when it did what I wanted it to do.

    What a cool website Buskerdog. I’m pretty new to WP. When you say you “laid the excerpts for that category out in a rectangle using the page2cat plugin”. How did you do that?

    Please excuse me if that seems like a dumb question.

    Nice work! FYI, I spotted an error though. Went to the event calendar page and got this:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function contenteventscalendar() in /data/9/1/42/57/1205383/user/1284541/htdocs/wpfiles/wp-content/themes/default/page.php on line 22

    Thread Starter buskerdog


    Yikes! Something has gone haywire with Events Calendar. Thanks for the heads up. Will figure it out…

    Thread Starter buskerdog


    StevieG: Not a dumb question. The page2cat plugin (aka Category Page) is designed to do a few cool things, one of which is display posts from a particular category in a page. I made a category specifically for posts that I wanted to highlight on the front page, then I made that alteration to the plugin so it would use a different crinkly paper background image for each one so it would look cool.

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    Great looking site! Nice use of imagery throughout.

    BTW, although I didn’t go through the entire site, I did notice that the Publications link has a WP db error.

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