• Hello!, I have just launched our new weblog at https://www.ventanazul.com/weblog_en/ , I started adapting our design last week and began using MT, after 3 or 4 days online I noticed that I had to pay almost US$ 200 to continue using it, my weblog qualifies as “commercial” even if the articles are not intendend to make profit.
    After looking for a good alternative I came to WordPress and I have to say I am really impressed. I have posted about the move at https://www.ventanazul.com/weblog_en/
    I have also a spanish language version at https://www.ventanazul.com/weblog_es/
    I have verified both weblogs are valid XHTML and CSS but please let me know if you find something not working.
    Thank you very much for being part of this great community and for the great product WordPress is.
    Alexis B.

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  • The weblogs look very neat and pretty! Do you manually translate all posts and post twice, once in English and once in Spanish? That should be time consuming!

    This language picker plugin may prove helpful, if you’re not already using it.

    Thread Starter alexisb


    Hi, yep I am writing each post in both languages, until now. Actually there are 2 WordPress installations using almost identical templates and CSS.
    But my plan is not to write each post in both language.

    how are you doing your nav (the tabs across the top)?

    Thread Starter alexisb


    Hi, just wanted to let you know that after several days working with WordPress on my blog, now with more posts and design details improved, I feel very happy of having choosen this tool, it is really easy to use and very powerful.
    I have realized about the power of XML feeds, so much that I wrote about it, maybe it’s helpful for somebody.
    About my navigation?, it is using some DOM, CSS and Javascript. I used a Dreamweaver MX 2004 template as the base and then took some ideas from Brainjar. Most difficult part was making it work for multiple browser, I still have some details to fix, it is not so easy to navigate yet, sometimes the submenu closes too fast or you just lose it.

    yeah those submenus look good! eccept if you disable javascript of course..

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