New version stops password resets
I installed the upgrade to 1.7.16 this morning, and got some reports that people who were NOT using directory authenticated accounts weren’t able to retrieve/reset their passwords.
I tried it myself, using the account of a person who reported a problem as well as on a non-dirauth account of my own. Whether I reset it through the dashboard, through email, phpmyadmin or WP-CLI, the new passwords wouldn’t work.
I rolled back to 1.7.15 and they work again.
well, that’s no good. Does it act
like the password was successfully reset, but then just doesn’t do it? Or does it give an error message of any kind?The plugin doesn’t touch the password_reset action, so I’m not entirely sure why it would be interfering with it. However, thank you for reporting. I’ll look into first thing tomorrow morning.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Paul Gilzow.
Yes, it does act like it changes. In all the methods I tried, the return message didn’t show any error and indicated that the change was successful.
The email notices also came through as expected (“Someone has requested a password reset for the following account…” followed by a link; and “This notice confirms that your password was changed…”)
I should add, we’re running on a multisite installation.
testing now to see if i can replicate the issue
I’m having difficulties replicating the issue. Tried it on a multisite and single instance. In each case, the local account is able to successfully reset their password.
Any other particulars about your set up that might give me some clues? also, are they going to the childsite login screen when attempting to reset, or the parent (root) site? Not sure it matters, just trying to figure out what might be going on. Also, can you create a new local user and see if you can reset that password correctly (see if it is just this one account or all local accounts)?
I started by updating the plugin again.
As a superadmin (on Chrome) I created a new local user (thomasamcgee). I got the appropriate messages that a user had been added, and the email address I used for the new account got the notification with the link to reset the password.
On a non-logged-in browser (Firefox) I pasted in the link, accepted the default strong password WP recommended, then went to log in.
Then on my superadmin Chrome browser I rolled back the plugin. Went back to Firefox and used the exact same logon and password, and I got in.
I’ve got a bunch of network-activated plugins:
Add Cloned Sites for WPMU (batch)*
Batch Create *
Black Studio Touch Dropdown Menu
Comment Indexer*
Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades **
Google Analytics +
Multisite Robots.txt Manager
Multisite Theme Statistics
My Custom CSS
New Blog Defaults
No Comments on Pages
Organization Message Notifier
Plugin Activation Status
Recent Global Comments Widget
Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions
Ultimate Branding
User Role Editor
Viper’s Video Quick Tags Migrator
WordFence Security
WordPress MU Domain Mapping
WP dirAuth
WPMU Dashboard
—* outdated WPMU plugins that are still useful.
** This lets me roll back with uninstalling and reinstalling!I can try to deactivate some of these, if you think any are relevant. Some I can’t, because it’s a production site.
I followed your steps in a multisite using subdirectories and in a multisite using domains and in both cases I was able to reset the password successfully and login. I’m baffled as to why you’re running into an issue.
I can tell you specifically what changed. line 1279 changed from
if ( wp_check_password($password, $login->user_pass, $login->ID) )
if (is_a($login,'WP_User',false) && wp_check_password($password, $login->user_pass, $login->ID) )
This was to correct a PHP warning in situations where $login was boolean false from the call to get_user_by at line 1182.
The other changes were in the function wpDirAuth_retrieve_multisite_blog_data() line 2145. This function is used in the network admin user screen when adding an AD-authed user to multiple child sites. I removed the call to prepare since I wasn’t doing any binding and it was causing another PHP warning. The other changes in this function were data checks to ensure we’re getting expected data before retrieving each child site’s name.
The change on line 1279 is definitely the issue. I noticed this morning that I was having the same problem on another multisite installation here (and this time, I couldn’t log in as the superadmin. yikes!).
I rolled back to the previous version, then upgraded through the dashboard. As before, the superadmin couldn’t log in. I changed line 1279 to the old version, and immediately it worked.
Let me know if you’d like me to experiment with other code options; everybody but me uses directory authentication on this installation.
Same problem here. Directory authenticated accounts work but those not authenticated through AD are blocked. Including admin account.
Tommcgee can you point me to a resource on rolling back to 1.7.15 without admin access?
Do you mean dashboard admin access, or FTP access?
If you can get into the WP dashboard as an admin, you can uninstall the current version and restore the previous version, found here:
If you have FTP, download that same file, unzip it, and upload to copy over the existing files.
Or if by some reason the edit plugins and themes functionality hasn’t been deactivated, you might be able to just go in and make the modification the plugin author recommended on line 1279.
Thanks for the quick reply tommcgee, I am in via FTP and hopefully will have this resolved soon thanks to your help.
Hope the plugin gets fixed in the long run.
Do either of you have a dev environment where you can install a version I send you, and then send me the resulting logs? I’m unable to replicate this issue, so it’s tough to troubleshoot.
Mpaskevi, it sounds like your issue is slightly different than tommcgee’s. Can you give me some details on your set up?
Also, are either of you going to be at WordCamp US next week? If you are, maybe we could meet up briefly and look at your specific environments and see if we can figure out what is going on.
We run a wordpress network which authenticates users through the plugin to an active directory. AD Users can add external users to the sites the create. So there is a mix of AD authenticated and non-AD authenticated users within the network.
The latest change blocked non-AD users from authenticating. Users authenticated by AD still work.
Never had a problem till now, so thanks for your work on the plugin. Love to see this resolved soon.
I definitely want to resolve it, but I have to be able to recreate the issue so I can see what is failing and why.
Multisite environment is consistent between you two. what about plugins? Can you (@mpaskervi) list out the plugins you have installed to see if there is overlap?
I’m a bit stumped as to why this causing an issue. The piece i changed at line 1279 Should logically be the same as before except that instead of assuming $login is an object, I check to make sure it is a WP_User object before using it as such. The only thing I can think of is that you have another plugin that is overriding wp_check_password() via pluggables or hooking into check_password filter and doesnt like the change.
Here is the list of plugins currently active on the central multisite network site (where users login)
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
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