• Resolved PedroDK


    Hi yoast,
    Your changes on to how to use your SEO plugin are not for the better – not from a usability point-of-view anyway!
    All of a sudden you implement profound changes in how to set, count and write titles, descriptions etc. using your plugin.
    I have already helped several Yoast users reverting back to earlier versions of Yoast SEO.
    It stinks!


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  • In my option this reaction is beneath contempt. You are just making a statement about the change in the algorithm which does not match your needs.

    I am very happy with the new version of Yoast SEO and am delightful that the Yoast team is creating a new major version based upon many suggestions from the community. They wrote several posts about the changes on Yoast.com in which you (or the community) could have responded.

    Changes in the SEO algorithm are logical as search engines are always changing there algorithms in order to provide better search results. In my opinion Yoast made changes in the algorithm in order to support the users helping that posts will get a good result on the SERP.

    Thread Starter PedroDK


    Dear Ruben Woudsma,
    Thank you for your reply – you’re right; my initial post was rude and unacceptable.

    I apologize for that – also to the Yoast dev. team – they’re doing a great job.

    It was actually a client who phrased “it stinks” to me – but nevertheless I take full responsibility for that remark and again I apologize.

    I am however maintaining my criticism, but it’s got nothing to do with algorithms or such.

    My criticism is purely from a usability standpoint:

    In the new free Yoast SEO the link that indicates the level of SEO’ness used to be… well, first of all a link you could use to quickly scroll down to the SEO section… and it was placed on a separate line with one color icon to indicate how well your SEO is.

    In the new Yoast it’s now a much less well designed traffic light icon… but no longer a scroll link and furthermore it’s placed right next to the “Move to trash” link in the WP editor.

    That’s just not good usability, I am sorry to say!

    The SEO section it self has been profoundly changed to nest editing capability inside the snippet preview of the SEO, lacking features like word-count etc.

    That is also not good usability.

    The earlier free version of Yoast SEO had a much higher level of usability.

    Thank you.




    Hello guys and Yoast Team – first – a greeting from Sweden – Yoast Team is doing a great job, the best SEO plugin. But I agree – that initially it felt like it was not as user friendly as before – both me and my clients had hard to find where and how to change the important META Title and Description .- but I think that when you get used to it is will work fine.

    But there are some minor issues left to fix:
    1. In Sweden (and other Scandinavian countries) we have Scandinavian characters with dot over a and o like ???
    They don′t work anymore -Yoast says that the focus word does not exist in the URL (because the URL does not have the dots – but this worked before the update)
    The same with the focus word does not exist in the ALT-tag (although it does – also because of the dots i assume – but this worked before the update

    3. Part of the focus word does not work anymore –
    Example: focus word is “skrivbord” and the word “skrivbordet” is both in the Title, Description and ALT-tag – but Yoast says it can′t find “skrivbord” – but if I change the focus word to “skrivbordet” – everything is OK. (Think “desk” and “desktop” )
    This work before i.e. when a focus word was part of a longer word(that is how Google handle this)

    4. And finally(I hope) if I have 156 characters in the META Description – Yoast says it is longer, even when i shorten to 154 is says it is too long, when I have 152 – it is OK. (My characters include blanks end every other character of course.

    Hope this can be solved for us Vikings up in the North

    Keep on with your good work




    Hi All,

    I want to say that I have upgraded to the latest version and I find creating titles and meta much harder. It sometimes wont copy and past text into these new fields and you can now accidentally delete the slug.

    I understand that your trying to make the GUI look exactly like the Google search results but it detracts from having a usable experience.

    I hope you can make these improvements in an upcoming release.


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