• gvvenezia



    just uograded to last version.
    Got troubles: Login with Facebook always appear (it is not selected in the control panel).
    How can I remove it?

    Thanks and best regards,


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Anonymous User 17211325


    Hello, I just updated to new version 3.36.6 as well from 3.34.2 and have the same problem (along with several other major bugs). If you are comfortable making changes to php files, here is what I did:

    Edit file: /wp-content/plugins/salon-booking-system/views/shortcode/salon_details.php

    Search for the following code, found in 3 places, and delete the line

    <a href="<?php echo add_query_arg(array('referrer' => urlencode($bookingDetailsPageUrl)), SLN_Helper_FacebookLogin::getRedirectUri()) ?>" class="sln-btn sln-btn--fullwidth sln-btn--nobkg sln-btn--medium sln-btn--fb"><svg class="sln-fblogin--icon" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0v24h24v-24h-24zm16 7h-1.923c-.616 0-1.077.252-1.077.889v1.111h3l-.239 3h-2.761v8h-3v-8h-2v-3h2v-1.923c0-2.022 1.064-3.077 3.461-3.077h2.539v3z"/></svg><?php _e('log-in with Facebook', 'salon-booking-system'); ?></a>


    Anonymous User 17211325


    Also edit,


    Search and delete the line:

    $content .= '<div><a href="' . add_query_arg(array('referrer' => urlencode(get_permalink(SLN_Plugin::getInstance()->getSettings()->getBookingmyaccountPageId()))), SLN_Helper_FacebookLogin::getRedirectUri()) . '" data-salon-target="page">' . __('log-in with Facebook', 'salon-booking-system') . '</a></div>';

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