New version 0.9.8 release
It’s been a while, but I just updated the plugin. There were no known bugs with the old version, so you are welcome to keep using it. To summarize:
- new version 0.9.8 uses and requires PHP’s mysqli extension to be enabled on your server — something that’s been around since PHP 5 was released in 2004, so hopefully this isn’t a problem for you.
- previous version 0.9.1 uses the original PHP mysql extension and you can keep using this version of the plugin if you prefer to continue to use the older mysql API.
Sorry if this causes you headaches, but PHP 5.5 deprecates the old API, so you’ll just have to get with the times.
If you see errors on the plugin settings screen: I can’t speak for the WordPress core devs but from what I can tell, as of current WordPress version 4.0, what WordPress does is to default to using the mysql or mysqli extension based on your PHP version. So, you may be running a perfectly acceptable version of PHP like 5.3 and have mysqli installed, but WordPress may still default to use the old mysql extension instead of mysqli. If this happens to you, then you’ll see PHP error messages with “mysqli” in them on the plugin settings page. You just need to put a one-liner into your wp-config.php to tell WordPress to prefer mysqli to mysql. This info’s in the readme.
(Please don’t ask me about WPDB or why this plugin doesn’t use it — I do use it in other projects, but it is a totally incomplete database API, why the WordPress core devs insist on rolling their own cludgey database API, other than inertia, I have no idea.)
Also … have seen your comments about things like support for other related Automattic software, like BuddyPress and WP Multisite. I will happily accept either $$$ or patches to work on those, but I’m a busy software engineer and this is just a side project for me. Since I don’t use BuddyPress or WP MU myself, I wouldn’t want to take on supporting those platforms in a half-assed way, I want to put out quality code that I dogfood myself.
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