• I see other topics related to my issue but either they are 5+ years old or include references to changing code that I do not understand. I’m a brand new WordPress user – this is my first time ever working on a website/blog. I have extremely limited knowledge of html (bold, paragraphs, italics), so please keep this in mind when offering suggestions.

    I’m trying to create my very first page/post ever – the About Me section. The text is typed in (not copied from Word), but when I preview and/or publish there are no paragraph breaks. I’ve tried typing in <p></p> tags in both Visual and Text editor modes, but the text still appears as one long paragraph. In some cases I find the text “nbsp” that I didn’t put there. WordPress documentation suggests double-spacing to create paragraphs, but that doesn’t work either. (I’m glad that doesn’t work, because it makes the posts stretch out forever in the editor.) Why doesn’t this software recognize the most basic of word processing functions like hitting enter to separate paragraphs? Do I need to install some kind of html editor?

    My theme is 2010, I’m on the most current version of WordPress (installed days ago) and have only a few plugins. My site is designsage.net but is currently in maintenance mode so no one can see it. I’m afraid to try changing the theme because if I don’t like it and change it back, I might lose the formatting (header) changes I made.

    Supposedly anyone can create websites without being able to code, but so far almost suggests editing code just to be able to do basic things, and I can’t even figure out where this editing would be done. People suggest editing the CSS, but where? People suggest switching to HTML mode, but where? Maybe WordPress is too complicated of a program for my beginner needs…?

    Feel free to email me answers at [no email support here, sorry] I had to set up an email address when I set up my domain name but haven’t yet figured out how to access that email! Thanks for any help you can offer.

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  • It may be that you are looking at excerpts of your posts – which does take out formatting by design.

    Can you post a link to a page where this is happening?

    BTW, you can switch themes – when you switch back, you should get back to what you’ve set up in the initial one.

    For code editor (TEXT)

    <p>Bla Bla Bla</p>
    <p>Another Bla</p>
    <p>Another Another Bla</p>

    For Visual editor:

    Bla Bla Bla
    Another Bla
    Another Another Bla

    If all of those doesn’t work then your theme’s css have problem, in that case, ultimate solution:
    Code editor:

    <div>Bla Bla Bla</div>
    <div>Another Bla</div>
    <div>Another Another Bla</div>

    And the funny thing is ”   is html code of space. ”

    Thread Starter atam2


    Wow, that was superfast! Oddly, the <div> tags didn’t work for the paragraphs, it just created line breaks. However, once I removed them and put the <p> tags back in, it seems to have worked! How can this be??

    I just turned off maintenance mode so you can see the page here: https://designsage.net/about-me/

    Strange but glad to hear it seems to be working?

    BTW, to post a link, just past the URL – no need to use the link button.

    Thread Starter atam2


    I just tried another one as a test and the problem is still there, on the site homepage! I used the visual editor this time and there are no line breaks even though I typed them in. As someone who works in the field of user design, this sure doesn’t seem very common sense! What am I missing?

    Thread Starter atam2


    Sykat, how do I access the code editor?

    Are those excerpts on the home page?

    Thread Starter atam2


    How do I find out if I’m using an excerpt? It just says Classic Editor at the top of the box.

    Thread Starter atam2


    I just figured out how to turn on the Excerpts box on my post page, but that is not where I’m typing my post.

    What you see in the editor is not necessarily what you will see on the site. That’s a big difference between how websites are coded and desktop publishing. I just tested twentyten in a test site and the paragraphs seem to work fine. What’s not working on yours?

    BTW, are you set on using this theme? It’s pretty outdated and not responsive – meaning it won’t work very nicely on smaller devices.

    You may want to check out this plugin, BTW –


    Thread Starter atam2


    Not necessarily set on this theme, but wanted to be able to use the specific background color and header that I’ve chosen, and other themes I tried couldn’t be customized that easily (for me).

    What can I do so that what I see in the editor and on the site are the same? Do you think WordPress is too advanced for me to use? A few people suggested I use something easier like Weebly…

    Background and header can be customized in many themes – or you can generally do so fairly easily using custom CSS – people here can usually help with the code and/or you can start learning basic CSS – which will be quite useful and actually isn’t that hard :)!

    See the plugin link I posted above.

    I think there’s a learning curve to anything new, including WP, but I think it’s better than other options – of course, that’s just my opinion :)! LOTS of people start out knowing nothing and learn by doing and create sites they are totally pleased with.

    Thread Starter atam2


    I appreciate all of the help, and so fast too! I did install the plugin WP Edit and will play around some more. So basically everyone with a WordPress site actually has to type <p> tags into every paragraph in every post they write on their site? This sure seems inefficient…hopefully someone will eventually find a way around this!

    If you are using the visual editor it should be letting you make paragraphs by using “return”. Is that not working?

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