• Resolved Trident Marketing Anglia Ltd


    I’m a new user to ACF Extended – I’m attempting to show certain fields on the front end of the site, and then using the render section to show these inputs – however it is not showing the data that is already in the fields?

    Any ideas where to start?

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  • Plugin Author Konrad Chmielewski



    Thanks for the feedback!

    In order to prefill ACF Fields in your ACFE Form, you have to select a “Field Group” in your Form UI and add a “Post Action”. In the “Load” tab of your “Post Action”, you have to enable the “Load Values” switch, and select the ACF Fields you want to be filled from the selected “Source”. See screenshot.

    In this screenshot, “My Field” & “My Field 2” will be filled with the values that are saved on the “Current Post” (the current page, where the form is displayed, in the admin). Indeed, if there is no such field or value on the said post in the admin, the fields will remain empty. So make sure the “Source” setting is correct.

    Note that by default, the form will display the whole Field Group (the one you selected). But if you use the “Render” setting, it will only display the fields you entered there.

    If you’re still new to the ACFE Form feature, I would recommend to take a look at the documentation here. You’ll find some useful information, including details about PHP Integration, and also advanced usage with hooks (validation, submission, customization etc…) for actions such as the Post Action documentation.

    Also please make sure to take a look at the Template Tags documentation, it will show the dynamic data you can use in your Form UI for more advanced usage. Finally, the Guides section will show you some useful advanced tips, like how to pass custom data to the form, using actions output (and chaining actions) etc…

    Hope it helps!

    Have a nice day!


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