• Resolved GeeDave



    I’m sure I’m missing something simple, ’cause the reviews of this plugin are great and I’m not the sharpest bulb in the paddock, but…

    I’ve been trying to get DG to create a gallery of PDFs. Nothing’s worked, up to and including creating a page that’s blank except for:

    [dg id=-1]

    Which, if I read the Installation documentation correctly, should return every attachment in the site, shouldn’t it?

    My media library tells me I have 109 attached items, including images, audio, and applications, but nothing shows up in the gallery. (The page loads pretty quickly too, so I don’t suspect it’s trying and failing to process them.)

    Any suggestions? What should I make sure is true about the documents I want included in the gallery?




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  • Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Hi David,

    Can you please paste the contents on the textbox at the bottom of the Advanced tab in Document Gallery Settings? It’s located at Dashboard -> Settings -> Document Gallery -> Advanced.

    I’m wondering if one of your settings is configured in such a way that none of your attachments are meeting the matching criteria…


    Thread Starter GeeDave


    Hi Dan—

    Of course; it’s:

        [thumber] => Array
                [thumbs] => Array
                [gs] => /usr/bin/gs
                [active] => Array
                        [av] => 1
                        [gs] => 1
                        [imagick] =>
                [width] => 200
                [height] => 200
        [gallery] => Array
                [columns] => 5
                [descriptions] => 1
                [fancy] => 1
                [order] => ASC
                [orderby] => name
                [relation] => AND
                [limit] => -1
                [mime_types] => application
                [post_status] => publish
                [post_type] => attachment
                [attachment_pg] =>
                [new_window] =>
        [css] => Array
                [text] =>
        [meta] => Array
                [version] => 3.5.2
                [donate_link] => https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=EE5LWRLG933EN&lc=US&item_name=Document%20Gallery%20Plugin&item_number=document%2dgallery¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
        [logging] => Array
                [enabled] =>
                [purge_interval] => 7

    Thanks for checking it out for me!


    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Hmm… Nothing looks wrong with that configuration. On the Advanced tab again, can you please enable logging and visit a page with the gallery shortcode and tell me what (if anything is logged)?


    Thread Starter GeeDave


    Hi Dan–

    I just see this in the log:

    November 1, 2015 6:37 am DETAIL (DocumentGallery::doShortcode) Generation Time: 0.02 s

    : /

    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter



    Ok, next test is to put your MIME types in your settings back to the default. The application you have it set to right now should match PDFs which is your desired use case, but to debug I’d like to make sure we can match other types.

    So if you go to the DG Settings and update mime_types to be application,video,text,audio,image, that should return everything across your attachments.


    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    If that still returns nothing, I’m going to go to our default debugging step that I really should have proposed earlier — check whether some other plugin is misbehaving.

    1. Disable all plugins except DG and switch to a default theme.
    2. Check whether DG now works as expected. If it does, continue.
    3. One-by-one enable your plugins and switch back to your theme. Each time you enable something, re-test DG. The first time it fails, whichever plugin/theme you activated last is being bad and needs to be removed.


    Thread Starter GeeDave


    Blergh. Same (no) results with all MIME types, default theme, and no other plugins. I broke the internet.

    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    You do appear to have broken the Internet :/

    Running out of ideas here… OK. Next step I’d like to try is uninstalling DG and then reinstalling. Upon reinstall, re-enable logging and try again viewing a page with a gallery where the shortcode is simply [dg id=-1] (without changing any of the settings).


    Thread Starter GeeDave



    It worked after reinstalling. I’ll go slow with changing settings and let you know if I manage to break it again!

    Thanks so much for your patient help, Dan. I look forward to taking this out for a spin!


    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Fantastic! Glad that worked.

    I would be very curious to know if you can recreate the behavior with some specific combination of settings. I’m planning to take another look at the settings dump you posted earlier at some point, but any details you can provide would definitely help in narrowing down what went wrong.


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