• WordPress came a a feature of the hosting account I set up for my webswite. I was looking for easy to use blogware – I think I got screwed. Why is there no support for this product? Who are the creators of this product and where are they? Why do they not answer e-mails? How can I get rid of all the stuff on the dashboard – I’m not interested in it and I don’t want to see it? In one of your forums it says that you can easily upload images with just one click – where the hell is that? I look at that section and all I see is code – I am not interested in code nor do I want to learn about it. Why does this just come with two ugly templates? Why do none of the other templates that you can upload for WordPress seem to work properly? Somewhere it says that some templates are old and may be missing features – then why offer them? Could you spend a moment or two and identify which ones they are?

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  • All you have to do at wordpress.com is register. You get a blog set up for you. You get an email with the login info. You go there using the link and set up the stuff you want using the same set of pages you see on the one you’ve already got, but there are far far less options (including themes and plugins) – but you don’t have to “interact” with stuff you can’t understand.

    Pick and choose who is supported…. only in that we tend to be nice to those who are nice to begin with. No, I wasn’t being intentionally misleading. If you are having trouble understanding the basics of “free, open source” volunteer software, then a hosted blog is probably your best bet.

    In general, an attitude like yours, whether born of frustration or simply innate, will obtain you nothing but exactly what you’ve received so far: snide and scathing posts. You want help? then what you do is you walk in here and post, quietly, “I’m really new at this, I feel really lost, here’s what I want to do, can you help me understand this?”

    We are all volunteers. We do what we can to help the “lost”. Depending on attitude.

    Moderator James Huff


    A quick search through these forums confirms that there are an awful lot of problems with this product and that I am not the only one having a tough time getting the templates to work correctly.

    These are support forums. By their very nature, they are filled with reported problems and support requests of various nature. Don’t look for WordPress praise here. Instead, try a Google search. Almost every WordPress blog out there has some sort of praise for WordPress.

    Thread Starter wpnewuser


    Jeez, you people are touchy. How many times do I have to apologize??? I never said anyone was being misleading? Confusing, perhaps but I did not imply anyone mislead.

    Ok, I tried the hosted word press – better, a definate improvement. Cleaner dashboard, the write section is simpler and easier to use. At least you have a button to download an image, however it asks for a url location – what if you want to use an image on your hard drive? However in the end, it defeats the purpose for which I got my own url and hosting account.

    “If you don’t want to use it, that’s your business, but don’t ask for it again, because that’s the only solution that I’m going to give you.” Thanks, great answer.

    Are you trying to tell me that you just put this software out and let anyone do anything they want with it, including using it to attract customers to their hosting programs, and you take no responsibility or exercise any control over it??? Perhaps if you worked with some of these hosting companies you could provide them with the more “user-friendly” version of wordpress you offer as the hosted solution.

    I might be willing to help you with that, but I doubt it. You seem to be too sensitive (I really don’t think my first post was THAT insulting) and mean spirited for me to want to deal with.

    I’ll keep this straight and simple.

    • WordPress is a free blogging software supported by the open community.
    • Everyone here is a volunteer. No-one here is being paid to support WP; everyone here is helping out simply because they wish to give something back to the community
    • Courtesy, politeness and respect for other people cost little but mean a lot. If you can’t show common decency, don’t be too expecting of help and support. What applies in the real world also applies online
    • Remember you haven’t paid anything for this software to anyone on this board and that no-one is trying to sell you anything. Noone is forcing you to use this; if you don’t like it, exert your freedom and don’t use it. There’s no need to launch into unwarrented attacks.

    WP New User, it’s unfortunate that your hosting company misled you regarding WP. I know with Fantastico installs via Cpanel, it generally states up front no support, and gives a link to the forum. If you are outside your element, and would like to hire someone to fix your issues, by all means, there’s a mail list for that.
    I would venture to say a large majority of WP users had little background in PHP, slightly more with CSS. Most struggle through the initial learning curve, and then never look back. Everything has been covered well here, but it seems your issues are more with your hosting provider, than really with WP. Ask for a refund, and find something more to your liking. But please, don’t make rash comments or decisions about WP without really understanding what it is or how it works.

    My credentials? The same as just about everybody else here: a user of the software, trying to tweak it as needed to do what I need to to the best it can, and trying to help other people with similar problems. As for your apologies, I made my remarks before you posted them. In the time I spent typing that response, a number of replies were made. When I typed my reply, this was the latest remark you had made.

    You seem to be keen to claim people aren’t reading your posts – have you read ours? If you had, you’d realize this is community-supported software. It’s not a ‘big greedy developer’ like you keep assuming. As has been said, the people who write code and help people install it are not responsible for your ISP. If they are screwing something up, that is not our fault. Otherwise, a little patience and intuition should take you a long way.

    I’m going to close this thread. This is neither a productive thread nor the type of discussion that belongs in a support forum.

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