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  • stabiasport


    Help! I also update the plugin with the site and the control panel are no longer accessible, as do I delete the update and riavvere the site as before?



    It happened to me too. To bring the website up quickly, I was able to rename the directory of the plugin to leaguemanager-1 (or whatever you want) in my file manager. That brings the website back up but it doesn’t bring the LeagueManager back.

    I would appreciate if anyone can offer a solution to the LeagueManager plug-in without losing the data.

    Thanks in advance,



    I also just found this post, which worked for me at

    Instead of adding a line to capabilities.php (where it will be overwritten by updates), I added this line right before require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’); in my wp-config.php file:

    require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-includes/pluggable.php’);

    I did this, changed the name of my plug-in directory back to leaguemanager and activated the plugin in the Admin Panel. All back to normal.

    A big thanks to Michael Dozark for his post. A year later, it is still helping!




    Hi, I used the method of Michael Dozark, the site is back online, I activated the plug-in leaguemanager but it generated this error:

    Warning: file_exists () [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File (/ var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/leaguemanager/thumb_log5.jpg) is not Within the allowed path (s): (/ :/ members States2) in / members / mysite / wp-content / plugins / leaguemanager / lib / core.php on line 298

    how can I find a solution?




    Its totaly crash my site… Im lucky becouse I have a backupp…



    I solved the problem:

    in core.php change line 313 from:

    trailingslashit return ($ _SERVER [‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’]). dirname (substr ($ file, strlen ($ _SERVER [‘HTTP_HOST’]) +8, strlen ($ file))). ‘/ thumb_’. basename ($ file);


    trailingslashit return ($ _SERVER [‘ABSPATH’]). dirname (substr ($ file, strlen ($ _SERVER [‘HTTP_HOST’]) +8, strlen ($ file))). ‘/ thumb_’. basename ($ file);



    This is not working for me @marselo89. I get this error if i aply your fix: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE or ‘$’ in…



    Have you edited before the wp-config.php file with the method of Michael Dozark?




    I used the Michael Dozark method and it worked perfectly. Did you combine this with one of the other suggestions above? I would suggest trying only one method at a time and reverting it to the original if it doesn’t work. Then trying the next.

    There may be other variables preventing one method from working on an installation even if it worked on another (other plug-ins, patches etc).




    You change should be

    return trailingslashit($_SERVER[‘ABSPATH’]) . dirname(substr($file,strlen($_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’])+8, strlen($file))) . ‘/thumb_’ . basename($file);


    trailingslashit return ($_SERVER[‘ABSPATH’]) . dirname(substr($file,strlen($_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’])+8, strlen($file))) . ‘/thumb_’ . basename($file);

    Saying that even with the myconfig and this fix applied my site is still server 500 error.. Time to investigate



    The Michael Dozark method worked also for me. Thanks a lot for the support!



    @neoncs i noticed that mistake directly on the beginning and tried it out just like you posted. it didnt worked.



    in lib/core php. on line 361
    you should close the div
    <div id=’message’ class=’updated fade’><p>”.$this->getMessage().”</p></div”;
    <div id=’message’ class=’updated fade’><p>”.$this->getMessage().”</p></div>”;



    Doing some further investigation the only changes made to this version to previous are actually the last few lines of code in the leaguemanager.php file.

    This change is to patch an SQL injection exploit. All the changes above are not required. I tested this by just changing the leaguemanager.php back to the previous version and all worked fine.

    The problem here is that with the old leaguemanager.php file is a security risk.

    Here is the fix from line 531: It is missing additional braces and semi colon.


    if (current_user_can(‘manage_leagues’)) {
    if ( isset($_POST[‘leaguemanager_export’]) )
    $lmLoader->adminPanel->export((int)$_POST[‘league_id’], $_POST[‘mode’])


    if (current_user_can(‘manage_leagues’)) {
    if ( isset($_POST[‘leaguemanager_export’]) ){
    $lmLoader->adminPanel->export((int)$_POST[‘league_id’], $_POST[‘mode’]);



    Hi neoncs,
    i think that your change have a mistake on it,pls. check and correct

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