new update not working
Have been using your plugin for some time and it is very good.
However you latest update doesn’t appear to work on my website so I’m running with your old one.
All I get are red lines where the rated page is in popularity.
Would like to put in the new update for security etc.
Thx for your help and your good work
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Hi @kengray20,
All I get are red lines (…)
This might be caused by a site optimization plugin, would need more details from you to tell you where to look.
Please go to Settings > WordPress Popular Posts, click on the Debug link at the top center of your screen, then share the information that you’ll see there here so I can have a look.
I installed your plugin two days ago and it didn’t work.
After reading this post, I installed the previous version and it works.
So there is a problem with the new version.
Here is my debug report
Plugin Configuration
Performance Nag: Inactive
Log Limit: Yes, keep data for 30 days
Log Views From: Everyone
Data Caching: Yes, 10 minute
Data Sampling: Yes, with a rate of 100
External object cache: Yes
System Info
PHP version: 8.2.20
PHP extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, json, random, Reflection, SPL, session, standard, litespeed, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, enchant, mbstring, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, iconv, imap, intl, exif, mysqlnd, PDO, pgsql, Phar, posix, pspell, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sodium, sqlite3, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, tokenizer, xml, xmlwriter, xsl, mcrypt, mysqli, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, xmlreader, xmlrpc, zip, igbinary, imagick, mailparse, msgpack, memcached, Zend OPcache
Database version: 10.6.17-MariaDB
InnoDB availability: YES
WordPress version: 6.5.5
Multisite: No
Active plugins: Ad Inserter Pro 2.7.35, Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.2, All In One WP Security 5.3.1, Classic Editor 1.6.3, Classic Widgets 0.3, Elfsight Weather CC 1.3.1, Envato Market 2.0.11, EventON 4.6.6, FeedbackWP - Rate My Post - WP Rating System 4.1.1, FluentCRM - Marketing Automation For WordPress 2.9.0, FluentCRM Pro 2.9.1, Fluent Forms 5.1.19, FluentSMTP 2.2.73, Header Footer Code Manager Pro 1.0.18, Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket 2.0.1, Jetpack 13.5, LiteSpeed Cache, Mashshare - Social Networks Add-On 2.5.4, Mashshare Share Buttons 4.0.47, Penci Shortcodes & Performance 5.6, Rank Math SEO 1.0.222, Rank Math SEO PRO 3.0.65, Shortcodes Ultimate 7.1.8, Simple Local Avatars 2.7.10, Site Kit by Google 1.130.0, ThirstyAffiliates 3.11.2, Unbloater 1.6.2, User Role Editor 4.64.2, Vafpress Post Formats UI 1.7, Webpushr Push Notifications 4.36.0, Widget Options, WordPress Backup & Security Plugin - BlogVault 5.56, WordPress Popular Posts 6.4.1, WPBakery Page Builder 7.7.2, wpForo 2.3.4, WP News and Scrolling Widgets 4.9, WP Recipe Maker 9.5.3, WP Recipe Maker Premium 9.5.3
Theme: soledad (8.5.2) by PenciDesignHey @pierreto,
Generally speaking it’s a compatibility problem with some site optimization plugins.
Since you’re using the LiteSpeed Cache plugin on your site please follow these instructions and do this as well, then purge LiteSpeed’s cache and check again.
If that doesn’t work, please open a new topic and share your site’s URL so I can have a look.
(All of this assumes you updated to version 7.0.0 first so remember to do that too.)
Hi Hector,
I tried the solution, exclude file on Litespeed, it don’t work for me, I’ll open new post.
I’ve tried the suggested solutions, but it doesn’t work.
The updated WordPress Popular post plugin isn’t compatible with Speed Cache plugin. Pls kindly help to fix it. ??
Hey @quertime,
Try purging LiteSpeed Cache’s cache and if that doesn’t do anything then please open a new topic and share your site’s URL so I can have a look.
For what it is worth, the update for the plugin is still not working and I’m using wp supercache.
Hey @kengray20,
To confirm that the problem is indeed being caused by WP Super Cache, try disabling it for a moment and see if the issue goes away. If it did then please share some screenshots of the settings you’re using with it so I can see what’s going on, otherwise please follow these instructions.
The WordPress Popular post plugin doesn’t work even I’ve purged LiteSpeed Cache’s cache.
You may check out the blog below.
Hey @quertime,
Something on your site is messing with WPP’s inline script which is why your popular post list is stuck on that loading animation.
This is what I’m seeing on your site:
<script type="application/json">/*<![CDATA[*/{"title":"What's Hot","limit":"20","offset":0,"range":"last24hours","time_quantity":"24","time_unit":"hour","freshness":false,"order_by":"views","post_type":"post","pid":"","taxonomy":"category","term_id":"","author":"","shorten_title":{"active":false,"length":0,"words":false},"post-excerpt":{"active":false,"length":0,"keep_format":false,"words":false},"thumbnail":{"active":true,"width":"100","height":"100","build":"manual","size":""},"rating":false,"stats_tag":{"comment_count":false,"views":false,"author":false,"date":{"active":false,"format":"F j, Y"},"taxonomy":{"active":false,"name":"category"}},"markup":{"custom_html":false,"wpp-start":"<ul class=\"wpp-list\">","wpp-end":"<\/ul>","title-start":"<h2>","title-end":"<\/h2>","post-html":"<li>{thumb} {title} <span class=\"wpp-meta post-stats\">{stats}<\/span><\/li>"},"theme":{"name":""}}/*]]>*/</script>
Notice that
stuff at the beginning and the end of the script? That shouldn’t be there. There’s a good chance that one of your plugins (LiteSpeed Cache? Something else?) is adding these to the script, and then WordPress Popular Posts fails to load the data that’s in there hence the infinite loading animation.This is what it should look like:
<script type="application/json">{"title":"What's Hot","limit":"20","offset":0,"range":"last24hours","time_quantity":"24","time_unit":"hour","freshness":false,"order_by":"views","post_type":"post","pid":"","taxonomy":"category","term_id":"","author":"","shorten_title":{"active":false,"length":0,"words":false},"post-excerpt":{"active":false,"length":0,"keep_format":false,"words":false},"thumbnail":{"active":true,"width":"100","height":"100","build":"manual","size":""},"rating":false,"stats_tag":{"comment_count":false,"views":false,"author":false,"date":{"active":false,"format":"F j, Y"},"taxonomy":{"active":false,"name":"category"}},"markup":{"custom_html":false,"wpp-start":"<ul class=\"wpp-list\">","wpp-end":"<\/ul>","title-start":"<h2>","title-end":"<\/h2>","post-html":"<li>{thumb} {title} <span class=\"wpp-meta post-stats\">{stats}<\/span><\/li>"},"theme":{"name":""}}</script>
Please follow these troubleshooting instructions to find out what’s causing it and report back.
I notice that a new update has been issued which fixes the problem I spoke of earlier.
It lists a number of compression plugins. I use wp super cache. Will the update solve the problem I started this thread on. ie. the first update left red lines instead of wpp figures.
Will it fix that with the latest update.
Thank you for your help.
@kengray20 please update to the latest version of the plugin, clear WP Super Cache’s cache and if the problem persists after that then follow these instructions so I can help.
Marking topic as resolved due to inactivity.
OP if you still need help with this please read my previous comment and leave a comment below.
- The topic ‘new update not working’ is closed to new replies.