New to writing Shortcodes
Hi dont know if anyone can put me right – a probably a newbie stupid error but…
writing a shortcode to list child categories based on the name of the page which implements a category and has the same name.
In this case the Page name is Destinations which is also the name of a top level category.function AB_handler_get_child_cats($atts){ $category_name=get_the_title(); $cat = get_cat_ID($category_name); if( $cat > 0 ){ extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'show_count' => "0", 'orderby' =>"name", ), $atts)); $this_category = get_category($cat); if (get_category_children($this_category->cat_ID) != "") { $html = "<div><ul>"; wp_list_categories("orderby=$orderby&show_count=$show_count&title_li= &use_desc_for_title=1&child_of=".$this_category->cat_ID); $html .= "</ul></div>"; } return $html; } } add_shortcode('childcats','AB_handler_get_child_cats');
If I put the following [childcats] or [childcats show_count=1 orderby=’name’] in a text widget titled “Destinations” the output is being rendered prior to the start of the widget border (outside the border).
What am I doing wrong?
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