• bobreversed


    I’m very new to WordPress and was wondering if there was a theme (three column) that allowed a user to enter in data inwo all three columns (or two) similar to the way the Pivot blog system can?

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  • Chris_K


    Not familiar at all with Pivot blog, but there are tons of themes and many are 3 columns. If you can’t find one exactly like you want, you can always grab one that’s close and tweak.

    https://themes.wordpress.net/ is just one of many places to look.



    The Codex (WP’s online manual) is your best friend:
    And theme list:



    Hmm. I *think* the OP is wanting a 3col theme where every col acts as does the “center col” on any of those themes classed as “3 columns”. Those “3 columns” themes have ONE data entry column (the center col) and TWO static colums – “sidebars” – where data is displayed by rota.

    And to the OP: no. I’ve not seen what I think you’re looking for, in wp.



    Kubrick is the most famous three coloum wp theme check it out.



    last time I checked it was a 2 column theme.

    Thread Starter bobreversed


    What vkaryl said is what I’m looking for. Or a 3 column set where the third column is somewhat static (a calendar) and the other 2 can be added to.



    Y’know, if I had anything approximating a normal memory, I could send you off to a site which uses something truly neat for columnar posts (or used to, haven’t been there in ages….)

    AH! I found it, obscurely hidden in my bookmarks list under CSS…. https://stylegala.com – it’s not “made with wp” though…. and while I’ve myself dabbled with a multicolumnar setup which could allow text entry in all columns, I didn’t get far with it because it was just too difficult to make it cross-browser friendly.



    https://www.cre8d-design.com/blog/ was, until recently, 3 columns of posts grouped by different categories. She’s currently at two columns, but it is an interesting notion.



    If anyone needs any help with programming this in WP, let me know. It’s not too hard to code up ??



    Hi.. me again.

    Here’s a tutorial on how I set up different columns of blog posts.

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