• I am new to wordpress and installed it on my mac. I do not see an application to launch. Please advise.


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  • Thank you. I can stop scratching my head now. I’ll let you know once I’m up and running on my friends hosting site.

    many thanks.

    Make sure your server meets the requirements ??

    Well, I seem to have succeeded in installing WordPress, but after several tries of different things. I’m not sure I could write down the necessary steps – but here’s what I think I remember:
    1 I threw away the ‘download’ from the WordPress for Beginners CD and used the download suggested by fonglh above, and put that into the ‘root folder’ of my server (‘Abyss’ by Aprelium – a brilliant piece of kit & very easy to install and use(10+ yrs for me), also very secure).
    2 I downloaded MySQL and put those files into the same server root folder.
    3 I ‘installed’ MySQL – guessing a bit, by using the default db name ‘test’ since I didn’t know how to create a dbname, used the default username of ‘root’ and a strong password.
    4 I Installed WP by calling up ..(server root)../wordpress/wp-admin/install.php and putting in a created Site Title name, default username ‘admin’ and a strong password, and pressed a button to install WordPress, which seemed to happen!!
    I arrived at a ‘home’ page of my WP site. This can be called up at ..(server root)../wordpress/wp-admin/index.php it seems.
    I hope the above is of some use – please accept apologies for it being ‘loosely’ described. Perhaps someone else still floundering could give it a try and make comment. Good luck, and many thanks to those members who posted and helped me to get past this first hurdle. ??

    I am new to Word Press. I created an account via (I think)(?!) a link in someone else’s post, which allowed me to create a username & a password. I was then able to create posts of which I have done 4 or 5 so far mainly of an “experimental” nature. However I find that I cannot “log-in” to my account via any conventional means but have to click on a link in my Twitter or FB account to gain access. I can then create, edit or delete posts etc.as I wouuld normally expect to. I have scanned all the “help” pages I can find without much success other than to come to the conclusion that I have done something very basically (& totally naively) wrong.
    Very much appreciate any pointers. Thanks.


    Did you create a wordpress.COM site? If so, you’re in the wrong forums. But you can reach your login page from sitename.wordpress.com/wp-admin


    Yes I did, so am very likely in the wrong forum, sorry. Finding the site quite confusing.

    The only place I have seen “sitename.wordpress.com/wp-admin” is on the dashboard. Clicking on it there just brings me back to the dashboard which I can only access after clicking on external links.

    Sorry to be so obtuse!!

    The site below explains the difference.

    You can type “sitename.wordpress.com/wp-admin” into your browser’s address bar. Of course you have to replace ‘sitename’ with whatever your site’s URL actually is.

    If you’re logged in, that brings you to the dashboard. If you’re not logged in, it brings you to the login page.

    @fonglh…..Yep thanks. Penny dropped finally!! Funnily enough I had already assimilated the differences referred to. :-))

    But thanks for the advice!!

    My WP blog has a url, https://www.perfectprovision.com, which I purchased from namecheap. It is hosted on Hostgator. When I plug the url into my broswer, I’m taken to a blank ‘Index of/” page, with 2 links, “cgi-bin”, and “home”. Clicking “home” gets me where I want to go. Why is my url not taking there directly? Does anybody know?

    u need of MAMP.

    Does anybody know?

    It sounds like you installed WordPress in a folder called “home” instead of in the root domain folder.

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