• I’ve got a blog at https://www.momhats.com it was uploaded for me through mom blogs. I tried to create other main pages without a parent like money makers, wahm articles and marketing. I was told by mom blogs to find teh template files in cpanel and I could probably fiqure out how to copy the code to make my other pages without a parent. I have many articles listed under these heading but they do not show up. I’ve been in cpanel and cannot for the life of me find the template files. I’ve read and re read many posts trying to figure this all out but so far I’m still lost. How do I find template files in cpanel? How do I match up my no parent pages to the article indx pages so that they will show my other articles under them?
    I did get this information for where it’s at in cpanel but
    still not figuring out what to copy in code
    It is in your wp-content folder, in your themes folder, in your strides-wahm folder ??

    OH & i wasn’t sure what version I had either

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  • Can you explain what it is that you’re trying to do? You currently have 6 top-level pages (ie without a parent). Do you want to create more top-level pages? If, yes, why can’t you?

    Or do you want to create child pages and have them listed somewhere?

    We can worry about where the theme files are later once you’ve clearly defined what the problem is.

    Thread Starter momhats


    HI Thanks for responding.. the top level pages marketing your biz,
    money makers & wahm articles I have articles under each of those however nothing is showing up. I have to do something in c panel to make them a parent page.. I guess. then my pages under them are suppose to show up.
    So yes I want these to be top level pages. They may be there on the top but nothing I’ve added under them shows.


    New User…..not sure what I did. Had all posts almost perfect and now everything is totally messed up. I might have hit something when I was changing colors. How do I revert to the original code that I had upon the install (I’m working in reviewsPRESS). Any help is much appreciated.

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