• I am a Do it yourself wordpress user. I have been learning the ins and out of wordpress and website design. Right now I am trying to optimize my website for page speed. I am looking for faster page load speeds, better google page insight scores. Hopefully by optimizing my website for page speed I can get better Page ranks for SEO.

    I have read through the FAQ and have gone over the support pages, but I’m afraid inlining my CSS files and trying to determine which scripts are above the fold is a little beyond my skill set. I am hoping someone can help assist me. I find it incredible that you have invested so much time helping others and it seems like you are very responsive to your community.

    My website is https://otrdriving.com/

    Using the autoptimize plugin I have been able to increase my page insight score and both pingdom and gtmetrix is showing a better overall score, however, I personally feel like my website is taking longer to load. In some cases it feels like it take 2-3 times as long to load. The strange thing is the pagespeed test shows my site is loading quickly so I just don’t understand it. So far I have enabled the optimize http code and optimize JavaScript code. With the force javascript in head option checked my website was unable to load some carousals/elements properly. I realized that by unchecking the force JS in head and by instead checking the aggregating js in HTML I was able to fix this. Once I did this, this is when I discovered my page speed scores were increasing, but I personally feel like my page was loading slower.

    I moved on to trying to optimize the css files and this is when the wheels feel off. My website still has 22 css files that are preventing rendering and I am trying to prioritize these files. I am unsure on how to find which css files need to be in the head and which ones need to be combined.

    I have tried some of your suggestions with github, and your other recomendations, but a lot of this stuff is going over my head. What else can I do to properly optimize my website.

    Disclaimer: I am using WPENGINE so im not sure if the way wpengine cache their content is messing anything up or not. WPENGINE does not allow wp3cache or the other popular cache plugins.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!


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