• Hello
    I have been a webmaster for just over a year and I have just decided to blog my photography website.

    Here is my Home page
    The RSS link is at the bottom of the page.

    Can you let me know if I have done everything right? Is there anything else I should do?

    Please be critical, this is a learning experience for me ??
    Many thanks in advance.

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  • Are you using the wordpress software. I can’t find anywhere your using it. This forum is dedicated to those who use the wordpress software, not just blogging in general.

    Nice Photos though.

    He’s using it, he just got suspended for some reason.

    Thread Starter hugeknot


    Thanks for taking the time to check it out!
    Yes I am using it!!
    Suspended? What? How come?

    Can anyone help? My admin works OK and there is no sign of any account suspension.

    If it is true, then that is a promising start to be suspended after 3 posts and two days!!

    Still there are plenty of other Blogging softwares out there.

    It works now, no idea what happened there, maybe a WP.com error?

    here’s a link to the WordPress blog, for those that like me, are irritated by having to click through things that one ought not to have to click through


    Very Clean Design and Layout. Your font choice is also original but easy to read.

    Very good job your readers will be pleased.

    If you get a chance could you check out my first blog site<BR>

    Thread Starter hugeknot


    Many thanks for all who took the time to check it out.

    Why is my homepage something you ought NOT click through?
    Still, I forgive you whooami, as you put a helpful link. I actually wanted viewers to have the experience of a regular visitor to my site, i.e. is the RSS feed easy to find etc.

    logansnick, you site is nice and easy to read, I like the layout! When I am into Gaming, I might call back:)

    well, I’ll respectfully suggest that is a WordPress support forum .. not a “here’s any old site” support forum ??

    Not to mention the fact that when I first looked at your site, before anyone else had posted, I NEVER found your WordPress blog — I just chose not to comment on the experience.

    Since then, someone else has —

    Instead of making things harder for people that are doing you the favor of visiting and commenting on your “blog” why not make it easier on them?

    Some people do pay for their bandwidth — wanting ppl here to have to look at photos?.. then put them on your blog.

    You asked — there’s my .02

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