Thanks solidfan. =) I was thinking about it, originally of course I was going to use it for my main site or blog, that layout and such. But as I was thinking about it lately, I just might release that “theme” or look to the public.
And then just change it all over “color” wise for my site. =) As you can tell, I had ALOT of people helping me with this layout, and CSS related issues to get it this way. Which it in itself is or would be a “sacrifice” so to speak to just give it out for public use. But, it’s not my orginal theme or template to begin with.. =)
So, pretty soon here, I should have it done hopefully. And we’ll go from there. =) I was going to tweak a few more things here and there….so..we’ll see lol. =)I’m aiming to get this done real soon..because I want to change my whole Blog layout and look before the end of this month.
Cause I won’t be around most likely for three months. Damn DUI charges on me, and they might throw me in jail for 90 days.. I highly doubt I’ll have internet access in there hahaha. But, I’ll let everyone know then soon.. =)
If I do get “time” then my blog will be on “lock down” just like me lmaO! People will be able to read the topics or posts, just won’t be able to post replies n shit. And the shoutbox will be removed.. Don’t need my email box flooded with stuff which I can’t maintain ya know lol..
Reminds me, I got my money today, so I guess it’s time to get some good BEER or LIQUER LOL!!