• waraxe


    New theme titled Thin Green Line. This is an adaptation of a public domain template of the same name made by Six Shooter Media.

    link: https://www.negative99.com/projects/wordpress-themes

    I’ll apologize right away for not having a demo site set up with this theme already, but the link above includes a screenshot.

    Let me know what you think (or if it breaks somehow).

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  • Appletalk


    Very nice WarAxe!!

    Thread Starter waraxe


    Thanks, Appletalk!

    Okay, here’s a static demo page: https://www.negative99.com/res/thin_green_line/readme.html

    I saw someone else (or was it you) with that as a WP a month or so back. It’s a sharp design nonetheless.

    Thread Starter waraxe


    miklb :: Thanks for the feedback. If you saw it before it wasn’t me, which begs the question – did I just convert a template into WordPress that someone already did!? That’d be a lot for no gain. ?? I’ll have to check it out when I get back from work today.

    Oh well. ??

    Thread Starter waraxe


    Okay, I just looked through the repositories for anything that appeared to be similar and didn’t see it, so if somebody notices please let me know.

    Otherwise, heres a link to the static demo again. https://www.negative99.com/res/thin_green_line/readme.html

    I’m always curious to see what v thinks. ??

    WarAxe, it’s quite possible that A) if you posted about this on your blog prior to here, I saw it via a technorati search, or B) someone else converted it for their personal use, and haven’t released it.

    I know I’ve got an OSWD design I converted, that I’ve been lazy in releasing.

    nope, it’s been released, and I wasn’t imagining things ??

    (unless that’s you)

    Thread Starter waraxe


    Argh! ?? Good catch. I will say that I think I integrated more WP features… and now that I know this exists I will work with renewed vigor to bring mine up to epic proportions. (There can be only one!) ??

    I searched the WP forums and didn’t find anything so I don’t think this person has released this to WP officially yet (if there is such a thing). Confusing.



    V thinks it’s VERY cool, and has it in place here:
    https://refreshsoutah.org/freshtake/ – it’s a perfect piece of serendipity as you will see if you look at other RefreshCities sites…. clean and green! I may eventually do a bit more than just sidebar tweaks, but I wanted this up soonest, still have RefreshStGeorge to do, not sure if I’m duplicating the theme but probably not….

    One bitty quibble: you used h1s all through the sidebar. Technically, you should have only one h1 per page. So I went through it and made them all h2s. And I added a page template….

    And there’s a few problems with the use of uls in the sidebar without the lis…. Nope, actually it was the paragraph tags – didn’t like ’em for some reason. Doesn’t seem to miss ’em….

    Thread Starter waraxe


    V, you’re the best! ??

    I plan on addressing some of those finer details with some tweaking, but I didn’t want to undo or redo anything you did, so is there a way that after you do what you are going to that you could send me what you have done? Or, is there a way to allow us to wiki it together?

    Yeah, the H1 thing needed a fix (and I’d carry the style with it to the H2 ebcause it looks nice). The sidebar could be cleaned up and some more functionality (even if commented out initially). There were some spacing tweaks I saw that would benefit it, too.



    Just wondering… is lime green the new black? So many themes are using this color and it just hurts my eyes ??



    WarAxe, soon as I get done tweaking, I’ll ship you the file. The only thing I’m really messing with is the sidebar…. probably a couple days on, since I’ve got some client stuff on tap for tomorrow, as well as homework for my final php class.

    Thread Starter waraxe


    No rush. I won’t touch the sidebar until I get yours back. There’s plenty of other fish to fry so don’t think you’re holding me up at all. ??

    Bhoney :: Great question! Here it is plain and simple (if there is such a thing.. and if there is it’s never following someone claiming plainness and simplicity).

    On white backgrounds using light & bright colors has a very clean look to it. It is sharp and classy without being at all brash. Using none bright colors (like f00, 0f0, or 00f) is too strong and domineering on a neutral white background… so you go with fc0, or cf0, or c0f.

    Now, to address the line green question. Certain very light colors look better than others. Almost assuredly the lighter reds look pink, and many people avoid pink unless they’re deliberately trying for it (because it connotes too much). The lighter yellows often are too light, and when they’re aren’t too light they look dull and urine-like (not always). Very light blues somtimes look too much like the photo gallery for a newborn baby boy. (this can happen, also, with pink for a girl)

    Sssoooo… long answer to a simple question… the best (imho) bright colors for a clean white page are lime green, yellow-orange, and soft magenta. But don’t take my word for it… just look around. ??

    btw, an extra bonus of the lime-green and yellow-orange is that they look great on black, too!

    I agree, yours translates better than the one I had seen. But the content slides under the sidebar once the sidebar content ends, and the posts continue. It’s really not as easy as it sounds converting a static design to WP, so I commend you on giving it a go.

    Thread Starter waraxe


    miklb :: Thanks for the heads up. I’ll wrap those columns in div’s. No sweat. I’ve got some tweaks already in the works to make it a more robust theme.

    There’s a couple more public domain templates I saw that I want to convert… they look way cool and would make stellar themes.

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