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  • I was kidding bout the dot biz that is why NO was afterwards

    but the www I just added and tried your domain name with and without it as in your first link Zack you do not have the www not that that should matter but your site does not come up for me anyway I try it. It is the only site all day that has timed out so I do feel it is on your end, tried it on my wife’s pc, timed out too!

    Well, it loads for me either way. Faster now than earlier, but then the whole ‘net was slow from here today (like THERE’S a surprise, this being Utah….)

    Thread Starter zack56


    Damn, this is frustrating…

    I’ve added another few plugins… the Live Comment preview and the plugin that shows what’s playing in my Winamp at the moment ??

    The reason it loads quicker is because I set the amount of posts shown on the front page to 10.

    I wonder if I should release another version of the theme – this time for use with all those themes. I’ve found I’ve changed things around a bit more…

    Thread Starter zack56


    As a litmus test, if all of these sites as well as NFO do not load, I will know that it is my hosting service anyway:

    well for your litmus test barkley loaded in a split second to my surprise but the .biz do not so maybe it is not your host but the domain name itself is not pointed correctly to your name servers

    Thread Starter zack56


    Ah ha! Thank you very much! Hopefully if you check over the next 24 hours it should work…
    Silly me, I put a name server 3 in where it shouldn’t have been.

    That can really screw you up, I knew it had to be something like that and did not feel it was a host issue. Now lets just hope you did not send that nasty e-mail you may have been contemplating! ??

    Thread Starter zack56


    Weellll, I did send them a semi-nasty email, but: I remembered that the 3rd nameserver was actually their fault, because when I signed up they had it in their info, but when I went to check the DNS information yeserday, they only had the two. Tell me if my site works for you any time soon.

    still does not work atm

    *shrug* All four of them work fine for me, zack – the three above plus your original link….

    Thread Starter zack56


    Oh well, it could take longer than a day to settle down. Hopefully it DOES work soon. :-S

    @vkaryl thats because you are in Utah, something has to work there,

    BTW I did not understand your post on my test site earlier???

    ? Which one? The one about not IM? The one about registering? I emailed you….

    Thread Starter zack56


    I’ve made a small change to my theme… What do you guys think of the way Categories and Archives are arranged? Or would they benefit with some marking as to whether they are dynamic?

    Hey – that’s pretty cool zack! I figured it out, I mean if it’s obviously a mouseover link you click, right? I don’t know if you would want to put a » by them maybe, as a “do something here!” indicator?

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