• All:

    I have created a new theme based on the WordPress default (Kubrick) theme that follows the Mullet-style blog layout (www.jonathanboutelle.com/mt/archives/2005/08/mulletstyle_blo.html).

    Use/modify it as you like.

    The latest version of the theme can be downloaded from https://gopalarathnam.com/software/.

    Gopalarathnam Venkatesan

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  • Interesting concept, and well executed.

    Thread Starter gopalarathnam_v



    Actually the theme lacks configuration, you need to edit the PHP defines for the number of archives per page, etc.
    I’ll fix these things soon ??

    Apart from that, this theme is also meant to be a tutorial on how to implement the “mullet”-style blog layout.

    Since this theme is based on the default WordPress theme, doing a diff against the default theme gets you the actual code for implementing the “mullet” layout ??

    Silly me, I’m sure, but what is a “mullet-style” blog layout? Short excerpt in the front and long post inside?

    Thread Starter gopalarathnam_v


    It is well explained in Jonathan Boutelle’s blog.

    Shortly (from his weblog),

    The first 5 stories appear as before, with summary descriptions. This makes sure that the blog gives of the right “information scent”. But instead of having 5 more stories with summary descriptions underneath, I have links to the next 45 stories! This provides direct access to five times as much content as was available before.

    Thank you for this
    Exactly what I was looking for

    Can explain how did you implemented it???

    Thread Starter gopalarathnam_v


    For the index.php (home, search etc pages), within the “WordPress Loop” the I check for the MAX_SUMMARIES_PER_PAGE for displaying the excerpt of the topic. If the counter is greater than the above constant, then till the number of topics per page (which can be set in “Options”) the I display only title and meta information.

    As far as the implementation of the “long-tail” archive, I frame the query to wp_posts table myself with LIMIT offset, number-of-archive-topics-per-page. Just take a look at the “archive.php”.

    For the “category” and “date” -wise archive, I handle them in “archive.php” itself using the “$wp_query” object.

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