• hi everyone,
    I’ve put my current page design for download (my first theme btw).
    It’s called “iRoybots SlatyStain” and can be found at the Demonstration Page.

    I highly recommend to install the “Revised-Image-Headlines” Plugin before activating the theme which adds a PNG image (based on a ttf-font of your choice) to a posts’ title.
    The whole Stylesheet is placed in Stylesheet.php in order to use php-compression. (server-side caching via gzip)
    Several alternate Sidebar Images are included in the Zip (headlines) as well as a blank header.jpg
    hmm, whatelse? A mimetype-switch decides to send XHTML 1.1 (application/xhtml+xml) or HTML 4.01 (sgml) depending on the browser the visitor uses…

    One Question:
    Would be nice if someone knows a way to avoid the code, that is necessary to put directly into posts to display the thumbnails (the thumbholder consists if several divs – take a look at demo-page for example code). I’ve thought of an additional tag <fancythumb><img src="bla.bla" /></fancythumb> something like that, that was more theme-switch-friendly…
    any ideas on this issue?
    if you find any errors or bugs, please report them in order to fix.

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  • Oh, and thanks for answering my concerns… (NOT!)

    I’m currently using this theme, but there are some quirks when viewing in Firefox. When reading one article, none of the links are active (clickable). One can leave comments, but that’s it. Any help is appreciated.

    This is a rich, beautiful theme you’ve created. The attention to detail is clear to see. It’s full of small visual surprises. Thank you!

    PJ Brunet


    Nice work.

    Does anyone have a suggestion to solve my dilemma listed above?

    Thread Starter _erik_


    sorry for the intermission…

    dss, tqn69, KnowingArt-com,
    thanks ??

    i took a look at your site, as solving validation-problems doesn’t help, thing left for me is to quote you:

    Any help is appreciated.


    I noticed you added some comments in php shorttag, which is no good

    if you are talking of <? without a following php then i say thanks for the advice, even though i just found one comment i inserted like that.

    Also, you should warn people that if they use your theme as-is, all their content falls under your CC license. Not something I’d be happy with… Among other things it prohibits commercial use.

    Where do i tell something weird like that? What brings you to that conclusion? Why should i want that? And since when does a Theme make the contents of a blog belong to someone else? Sorry, but i never heard such crap…

    I also noticed you basically copied my (not completely original) code for the mimetype negotiation, which I published under the GPL.

    Where did you publish your invention? I couldn’t even find infos on that in your blog. But right i haven’t written that on my own so your objection could be justified – but from lack of time i have added Source-Code Comments from a newer version (from/that tells) the real author. But among other changes the next update of the theme that will hopefully be available late evening or tomorrow the mimetype-switch will be thrown away, because of many people having problems with that, like you’ve been foretelling.

    Maybe i’ll change the license-thing, anyway that doesn’t have to be your concern. I could live with someone rather than ask, choose another theme.

    kind regards, *hoping for help on (not only) adb’s problem*

    I noticed you added some comments in php shorttag, which is no good

    if you are talking of <? without a following php then i say thanks for the advice, even though i just found one comment i inserted like that.

    Actually, there’s two in header.php.

    Also, you should warn people that if they use your theme as-is, all their content falls under your CC license. Not something I’d be happy with… Among other things it prohibits commercial use.

    Where do i tell something weird like that? What brings you to that conclusion? Why should i want that? And since when does a Theme make the contents of a blog belong to someone else? Sorry, but i never heard such crap…

    Beats me why you’d want that, but you put a CC-by-nc-nd license with embedded RDF in the footer that says so. There’s also a CC image there. Clueless people that just use your theme will thereby put all content on their blog under the license you chose. That is what I have a problem with.

    I also noticed you basically copied my (not completely original) code for the mimetype negotiation, which I published under the GPL.

    Where did you publish your invention? I couldn’t even find infos on that in your blog. But right i haven’t written that on my own so your objection could be justified – but from lack of time i have added Source-Code Comments from a newer version (from/that tells) the real author. But among other changes the next update of the theme that will hopefully be available late evening or tomorrow the mimetype-switch will be thrown away, because of many people having problems with that, like you’ve been foretelling.

    ?? I know, from my experience with my Neptune theme (the 0.5 version included a similar mimetype solution). I don’t want to start a fight about that, but I’d like this code to be free and usable for everyone. I was just a bit pissed off by the restricted license you put on it and claiming it as your code while it wasn’t.

    But again, the design is very beautiful and I hope you keep on working on themes.

    This is a beautiful theme, amazing work!

    WoW! Amazing theme, great job

    Any idea why comments does not work on my site? you can not left click into it, You can right click into the box and type, but the submit button does not work
    site address is userfriendly-devon.com/wordpress

    Congratulations on a very nice skin! It’s the best one I’ve seen so far – and I’ve seen a few. Nice colors, easy on the eye, good layout. 10/10.

    So let me try to understand this.

    The theme is released under the creative commons license,

    No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

    so that means I can’t even change the theme’s colors/images/fonts to my personal liking ?

    It would be nice to see this theme in a more flexible download. That is, with blank sidebar images for custom headers and a header image with the flower but not the text and setup for blogtitle and tagline (like most themes)

    ditto on that point archshrk



    This feed is lovely, but I’m failing entirely to see how the “photo” box in the sidebar is managed? I have Photopress plug-in installed, but evidently there’s another plug in required to manage categories and images that appear here?

    Yes, I am very new to all of this:


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