• Check it out!

    Working title is “ment-blox” and you can see it in action on my page: https://www.m3nt0r.de/blog/ (named v4 in theme switcher, but is activated by default). Play around and give feedback please. Site is in german tho, but as for demonstration purpose that shouldn’t matter ??

    Okay.. This is it! This definitly blows me away. I was so excited once i got it working.. seriously.. i was going “uuu weeee” on front of my PC. Awesome.

    Kassad came up with the idea to add the netvibes functionality of a fully dragable layout. It was kinda hard for me to make it possible and started to play around with the DBX script which was also used in the CrimsonMilk Theme by Jalenack. But it was too limited. You couldn’t give any custom dropzone which was what i need to declare one of the three columns in this theme as possible targets.

    The whole site are just 3 big unordered lists, floating, no fixed widths, with then again the usual WP lists.

    In version 3 i had this small dynamic box attached to every post with useful links. I didn’t know where to put all this information so i thought it’s nice to have in one quicklink-box and to call it “options”. You can call that box, coming up with a nice slide effect, by clicking the options image at bottom of every post.

    You can colapse/expand everything on this site.

    Why?: For example. While being on “home” you could look for the posts you are interested in, just expand those and sort them before reading. I think that’s a nice feature.

    As for “home” i wrote a small script. On load usually all items are collapsed, but i made it so that the first 2 articles are visible. I was checking some boxes on the left and right but i couldn’t find anything of value to be shown every time the page loads. (who needs categories all the time.. etc..), so for the rest it will stay like that atm.

    Overall this site is using nearly all latest technologies while still being XHTML valid which makes me absolutly proud. (tis ma baby ^^) It’s so lovely and also so expandable. I thought some more while finishing the current state:

    – How about fetching the content on box-expand via ajax.
    like: you click on the small arrow, the loading bar fades in and the content slides down once its all there.
    – How about you could generate more dragable boxes by doing a search or “browse” without having the page refreshed. That way you would have access to the whole content on one page!! “lets take this, and this, put it here, okay – thats also nice, search some more, drag, drop.. etc..” and then SAVE*!

    But before i let you finish reading, i have to admit some downsides (of course it’s not final):
    – *major: the layout doesn’t get saved YET! (any ideas somebody?)
    – the highlight after dragging isn’t perfect (but its okay for average visitors)
    – if you abuse the functions by clicking rapidly the script starts hanging (who’s so nasty, huh? ??

    Erm.. well.. That’s it for now (as if it wouldnt be much, heh). I will dig myself into the AJAX functions tonite and give you guys a shout later again. I hope you guys like it and i’m planning to make it public as soon as i’m done. And because of that i wanna collect some suggestions. Go ahead.. my motto is “nothing is impossible.”

    – m3nt0r

    copy of this thread, english, for comments: https://www.m3nt0r.de/blog/?page_id=211

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  • Wonderful Theme.
    I wonder if you could put the content ahead of the menus. AFAIK it helps the search engines in properly classifying the pages.

    Where to download it?

    Thread Starter ment0r


    its beta. no download yet. as you can see i have alot on my mind with this, so please be patient. this beauty needs care ??

    Thread Starter ment0r


    Version 4.2 is live!
    Choose layout style beneath the Header!!

    ?? .. this is completly dynamic. just need to write an admin plugin. some issues tho with the positions of columns. please test it. im not saying its perfect, but nearly..

    check it out. thank you ??

    I nearly gave up on CSS wrt. flexibility issues. Now you made me look again.

    Thread Starter ment0r


    okay. there are some issues right now. The main one is, that i somehow killed the permlinks ^^ .. linking to a post directly aint possible anymore since i am now having “active content” only.

    but i am already up to figure out a way. maybe some sort of wrapper wp <> my theme ??

    You can find a feature, todo and coming-soon list in my most recent post at https://www.m3nt0r.de

    Been away, for a while. I have a backlog as big as hell ??
    Great progress! Trying to catch up.

    Wow, even I can move a post window over the viewport.

    Still some minor things.

    There seems to be “hidden hotspots” affecting window behavior when moving around like sidebar items assuming post dimensions and vica versa. Some funny things when over viewport and opening/closing items.
    This needs a heavy testing. There may be unexpected behaviours.
    But, overall: it is GREEEEAAAAT ??

    Great job. I have been trying to impliment this javascript into my blog for a while now. This look awsome. Great job.

    Some errors pop up when moving things from sidebar to content. This is superflexible. LOL.

    god man. i want this theme so bad I can taste it. It is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Do you have a projected time you think it will be available?

    Thread Starter ment0r


    i am up to great things, even greater then already. i think 10-12 days is a good guess. i need at least another full weekend. during the week my regular job takes a good amount of time.

    I am holding my breath ??

    Thread Starter ment0r


    Version 4.2 RoundUp:

    – Direct Links didnt work. Now fixed, added GET wrapper for WordPress
    – Removed AJAX-loading from search results (messed up drag/drop)
    – Removed various Highlights (yellow flashs, suggest: Kassad)
    – Cleaned Comments AJAX
    – Removed hidden Garbage container which caused trouble (reported: Kassad)
    – Added 3 step post reading (ajax)
    1 step: loading page: excerpt only
    2 step: clicked on more: content only
    3 step: clicked on comments: load comments

    – Introduced Layout-Presets
    – Fixed DOM issues and onload stuff
    – System is now complete modular and flexible
    – Added custom template_tags

    ### upcoming
    adding cookie system. another interesting feature i want to invent is based on this step. since the cookie is stored on visitors harddisk, the cookie COULD influence the layout of any page running my system!

    1 layout, all blogs with the theme will be able to read and use it…no matter how they look like. example: have archives block, search block, always on top.. everywhere!
    or create a complete other look. basicly: you can make a layout on Blog A and also use it on Blog B ??

    ill explain more on that topic later. dont want to say too much. stay tuned ??


    Well, Mentor!
    Thank you for your mentioning my name more than one time but there is really no need for it.
    It would seem I was calling for it ??
    I am vain but not to that degree.

    There are still some minor annoyances in IE e.g. when dragging the Comments box to the right side there will not work the open/close cycle. The others looks fine. I suppose, you still not reached the right configuration for 800. This IE is a real pain in the ass.

    What about making a pre-release?
    Let the good people make the debug ??

    At the present, I am not sure what is happening in the “Your layout” section. As you indicated, we may actually influence your system. Or is it you who actually put some stuff there, right now? The preset layouts, one column and two colums are left aligned. Would not it be better to center them?

    I suppose, there may be two kind of behaviours for the presets. They follow a “snap to grid” principle or they may be positioned unimpeded. Certainly, the first one would be the right method otherwise it would be easy to create uneven layouts. Though, perhaps introducing gridline system would help in exact positioning.

    And yes, I think, now, it is a “must” to augment this system toward a full blown CMS.

    Just, as you said: “the sky is the limit” ??

    Thread Starter ment0r


    The child has a name!

    From ment-blox to BloxPress.

    I have just openend a site dedicated to this theme project over at https://www.bloxpress.org.

    Infos about further development will be posted there. My website m3nt0r.de will be furthermore my beta/demonstration page.

    I have just visited Mentor’s new project site.

    I would do urge every able mind sharing his visions to join him in his effort to create a new, revolutionary tool for the blogging community.

    I do believe that it will worth it ??

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