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  • Anything new? Or do I need to look for another sharing plugin?

    I’m kinda waiting for more info/reports too. I really like this plug-in and wish to keep using it with our websites but, for now, we’re still running version 6.1.5.

    I did try the Jet Pack buttons but quickly discovered that it didn’t do everything I needed and that I was getting from Simple Share Buttons Adder, so I switched back to SSBA 6.1.5.

    D H


    WayneM1 and anyone else who doesn’t have 6.1.5, I’ve posted some links here for version 6.1.5 of Simple Share Buttons plus another plugin to suppress update notifications for the plugin in the future:

    Thread Starter Thomas Townsend


    Not having the ability to STOP the NAG message is TERRIBLE practice…this needs to be fixed ….. the message interferes with other plugins directions and is an eyesore…..

    Heads up, everyone. It appears that the TOS has been modified. It now says they reserve the right to modify at any time, without notifying users, and that it is our responsibility to review regularly. Right. Plus, this alarming language is now part of the TOS:

    “We will not claim ownership in any Content or materials that You post or submit on your Sites. By offering the ShareThis Applications on your Site, You grant Us the sole worldwide right to deliver and/or provide Content through the ShareThis Applications, as well as a worldwide, nonexclusive, assignable, fully paid-up, and royalty-free license to display, reproduce, distribute and perform (if applicable) Your Content through the ShareThis Applications, – See more at:”

    Nag message aside, I was extremely bugged to see an extra st_insights.js script loading on my obsessively curated site. Of course, you can downgrade by following the instructions here:

    OR, if you wanna keep this version and just don’t like the script loading AND you know what you’re doing you can dequeue the st_insights.js script here:

    Remove lines 12-21 in that file.

    Of course editing core plugin files is bad yada yada but I just had to track it down and share with everyone. As for the facebook script that gets added, I don’t know enough about the platform to know whether it’s harmful or not to remove that code, so if someone knows more than I do about that script, let me know. All I know is that my site doesn’t need to be connecting with sharethis and telling it secrets!

    ^^^ SAFER WAY to remove st_insights.js :

    function wpdocs_dequeue_script() {
       wp_dequeue_script( 'ssba-sharethis' );
    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'wpdocs_dequeue_script', 100 );

    add this to functions.php

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