• https://www.tempest2.com/~sams/
    — I’d really appreciate some help in turning this into a template for WordPress, not just for me though! I’d love to make this into a design available to everyone eventually. Anybody fancy pointing me in the direction of help? I’m new to the whole WordPress thing! Thanks.
    Kind regards and a Merry Christmas!
    Sam Starling.

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  • Thread Starter Anonymous

    See also:
    — Cheers, Sam.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Anyone? ??

    Two things anon….
    1) this is quite similar to the Kubrick template. Because they are so similar, I doubt you’d find anyone who’d give of their time to create it for you…for info on Kubrick and the possibilities of you using it for your needs, check out https://www.binarybonsai.com/kubrick/
    2) You can’t just find a layout/design you like and “turn it into a template for wordpress”. Its not always that simple. You have to consider the owner’s rights of their site….they may not WANT it popping up all over the place, so permission is a big deal. Then you have to take into account custom pictures used on the page and other site specific things like that. Creating a two column layout with a header isn’t a difficult thing to do, and again, I suggest you look into the Kubrick template (avail for 1.2 and 1.3). It would be very simple to hack it to look very much like your examples.
    Let us know if we can be of any further help. (But please don’t ask ‘us’ to do the work of converting Kubrick into what you need…the best way to learn is to get in there, muck it up, and start again….then come here with questions when you’re absolutley stuck)

    yeah, wouldnt take long to turn kubrick into those. If you can make it individual enough its worth persuing though, fernando has done some good kubrick based themes- https://fernando.dubtribe.com/archives/category/templates/ – so you can see how it can be altered.
    and mine is kubrick based (or has many elements of) – https://www.somefoolwitha.com/mallow/ (sorry for sort of spamming my theme but it seems relevant)

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    at the risk of hijacking the thread, allow me to respond to your #2
    there is NOTHING anywhere that says that ANY web “design” is copywritten, or even can be for that matter. It might be bad netiquette– but I do NOT need your permission to take your entire web site’s design and plop in my server.
    I am NOT talking about “content” I am talking about design, ie layout. You cannot copyright a layout.
    You ought to study up a little before you make such broad statements

    OK, I always do search before posting ??

    – but I do NOT need your permission to take your entire web site’s design and plop in my server.

    I guess you are wrong.
    Check out in the left menu the And more… link: you will find a list of what can be copyrighted, e.g. Web site HTML code
    Web site screen displays…

    I never used the word ‘copywritten’….you did. Sorry that you inferred incorrectly my statement. I referred specifically to images, etc. I’ve a slight inclination however that if a site that looked exactly like Microsoft’s or Apple’s frontpage popped up here to there on the net, they’d get a nice little email from that companies PR department.
    Finally, please don’t talk to me like I’m 12 telling me “what I ought to do”….I’m an adult, and if you are [we wouldn’t know because you’re using an anon name to post…which to me suggests…nevermind] then I’d expect you to act like it.
    Moshu, thanks for your added comment.

    If its not sufficiently different from an already accepted standard (IE kubrick in this case) then why would people want to download and use it?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Alright then (I’m Anon #1)…
    Since I find the CSS in Kubrick very complicated, I haven’t quite got my head round it yet. Perhaps I should rephrase my question – what is the best way to modify Kubrick to look like https://www.tempest2.com/~sams/ ?
    Kind regards,

    Moderator James Huff


    Change the header image in Photoshop and change a few text colors in the CSS.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I don’t think it would be as simple as that… Fonts, sizes, borders, margins etc.

    Moderator James Huff


    Most of those are in the CSS. The borders are in the Photoshop template.

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