• I am being hit by a lot of spam in the form of quotations of various sorts. No links. But get this. In two cases they targeted a post they had made up themselves and it got thru. I wont tell you the formula they used here. But this is very bad news.

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  • Could you forward details to either the hackers list or someone like Kitten who wrote the Spam Words ?

    Thread Starter Root


    Well I would but this is completely random – and pointless quotes. It has with the one exception – all the hallmarks of a genuine comment. It is difficult to see how that can be stopped without a new architecture eg random code word which commentor needs to put in.

    Moveable Type supports that feature, a random code generator. I would love to see that feature in WordPress. My website has been inundated by Partypoker today.

    I would like to see most anti-spam measures – and all of them that involve ‘captcha’ or such like – as plugins, and not in core code.
    The accessibility of your site takes a nosedive IMO as soon as you use those approaches.

    Somewhere around here someone once posted a link to a site that allowed text to be displayed using CSS. The result was crisp, clear text that couldn’t be read by a bot.
    I’ve wondered how that could be used as a capcha type barrier, and yet it can still be read by those who have trouble reading the normal kinds (which usualy have lines, grids, squigles in front of the text) — even I’ve had trouble with them sometime. I just don’t know how a text reader would react to it….
    At anyrate, I’ve lost the link to it. If anyone know of the posting I’m talking about, could you please post it for me? I’d be willing to take a look at it and see if it’s a viable solution.

    Yeah, partypoker.com has been busy this week, apparently. Check out Turdhead.com’s response to their activities!
    Meanwhile, if you just want ’em gone, try banning their IP address, (Granted, this doesn’t help against OTHERS, but it will at least cut down on the partypoker bandwidth thieves.)

    I have a captcha based system that is usable by blind people.

    (I also don’t have my login pw for here anymore)

    Thanks podz!
    I’ll take a look this weekend.

    party poker online has been going after my blog, too. dozens upon dozens of random quotes without links in the body, but the links were in the blank filled out for ‘URI’
    i reported them, with the IP above (, to their provider. [email protected] the tech listed in the whois wrote back from atrivo.com and said they had blocked their IP pending further investigation.
    after that, it stopped (i imagine, just for now – until they find another server?)
    i’ve been getting a lot from other sites, too. thanks for the blacklist and comment moderation (and the mass delete hack/plugin?) those help a lot!
    E-mail :
    sunny at moonlight shadow dot us (that e-mail domain is not registered anywhere)
    URL :
    party poker online dot org
    Whois :

    Take a look at Blog::SpamAssassin (perl module) and the WordPress integration docs at https://www.cynistar.net/~apthorpe/code/babycart/
    It’s slow but functional and should whack URI-field spam if the URI is blacklisted by the nice people at surbl.org.
    Suggestions for improvements are welcome…

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