Hi @sankova
Please try adding this code snippet to your theme/child-theme’s functions.php file or use the Code Snippet plugin to run the code:
add_action("init", "um_111121_init_user_has_cap");
function um_111121_init_user_has_cap(){
add_filter( 'user_has_cap', 'um_111121_catch_cap', 10, 3 );
function um_111121_catch_cap( $allcaps, $caps, $args ){
um_fetch_user( get_current_user_id() );
if( um_user("role") == "um_account-manager" && defined("DOING_AJAX") && isset( $_REQUEST['act_id'] ) && "um_admin_review_registration" == $_REQUEST['act_id'] ){
$allcaps['manage_options'] = true;
return $allcaps;
The above code will allow the custom role um_account-manager
to view the User Info. You need to replace the um_account-manager
role slug with the user role that you need to access the User info.