• Hi,

    This may not be possible, but I thought I’d ask: Would it be possible to set WordPress to not have the default category checked when you go to write new posts?

    Just wondering. Thanks! ??

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  • The database table wp_posts is structured to set the post category to zero by default. See:
    wp_post Table Definition and wp_post2cat

    The Field post_category is int(4) in wp_post and bigint(20) in post2cat. So think you’re stuck with a value of some kind.

    Thread Starter Nicki Faulk


    That’s what I was afraid of. From looking at the code, it wasn’t something as simple as changing a value or removing a variable, hehe. Thanks for getting back with me so quickly! ??

    Nitallica, if you figure this out, PLEASE post back…. I’ve not been thrilled with this particular “functionality” since day one….

    I’d be happy with a post automatically stopping being uncategorized when you select another category. Any chance of a fix for this?

    Thread Starter Nicki Faulk


    I have not found a fix for this yet, but the workaround I am currently using is to default to a category called _Unseen_ which is excluded from my cats list. That way if something doesn’t show up, I know why and where to find it.

    I’m curious what your reason for making the change is?

    Maybe there’s a way to work that in rather than work this out ya know? For example, to keep track of things I simply renamed the default category to “Updates” which allowed the post to temporarily be categorized as an “update” to the site until I could properly categorize it.

    Maybe you’re looking for something different, I’m just wondering if the ultimate goal can be reached through a means other than disabling this function.

    I’ve created a plugin to deselect/untick the Uncategorized category upon selecting a different one. Maybe this is what you are looking for… So give deUncategorize a try!

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