• Hi,

    I’m trying to publish a new post that I wrote about a week about and at the time saved several drafts. Now when I try to publish the post, it doesn’t appear, I am bounced to the front page of my Blog. No error message or anything. The same thing happens when I try to save it again as a draft. I can preview the post (https://www.pjmconsult.com/?p=3472&preview=true) and it looks fine. I’m not a newbie, been using WordPress for about 10 years and haven’t seen this happen before. I’m not sure what to do.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by pmorettini.
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  • I have the same problem. Well I have tried all the solution above, and none of them worked, actually the youtube suggestion crashed the site.

    This exact same thing is happening to me! I’m surprised, but relieved to see it’s happening to so many others.

    I’m on version 4.8.2. And this has been happening for a very long time. Eight to ten months at least.

    First, I was able to actually publish a new post – which I’m not always able to do. And I did copy & paste all the text into it. I was careful to make all edits before publishing though because in the past, I’ve been able to publish initially but unable to save after making any edits after initially being published.

    However, after I published it, I decided I wanted to add some images to it. No matter what I tried, even though the images would show up in the preview – they wouldn’t save. Whenever I clicked Update, it would take me to the home page of the site (instead of reloading the edit page), and the new images were not there. However, oddly, I could edit text and save with no problem!

    Finally, I had to copy the Text of the post (including all code), directly into the database. There was no other way to get the text and code into the database except to put it there directly. But, even after doing that, the new page with the images still wouldn’t show up! But the code for the images was in the database.

    Then, I tried one of the suggestions someone left here, which was to go into Quick Edit and change from Draft to Publish. Mine was already on Published, so I changed Categories, and suddenly, the post with my edits showed up!

    It was only after going into Quick Edit and changing to a different Category that suddenly everything worked.

    This is indeed very strange and I would think it was something on my end, if not for all the rest of you who are having the exact same problem.

    But, I thought I’d check something else out before I post this message. I just went in and tried to add one more photo – and it wouldn’t do it. It did exactly what it was doing before. I added the photo, it showed up in the preview, but the minute I pressed Update, it went to the homepage and the new photo was not there.

    This is so very infuriating. Obviously it’s happening to a lot of people and WordPress is apparently not addressing it in any way.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Jon York.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Jon York.

    Alright, so I’ve found a very awkward and cumbersome work-around but it does work if you just have to get something posted and you’re having the problem where when you click Publish or Update – it takes you to the homepage of your site without saving anything.

    In my case, I was editing a post and here’s what I did. In the editing window under the Visual tab, I make whatever changes I want. Then, I click on the Text tab and copy all the text.

    Then, I click Update (which I’m guessing you don’t really have to do because it’s not going to update anything, but I did it anyway). It takes me to the homepage of my site and I click back into wp-admin.

    THEN, I went to phpmyadmin and navigated to the “wp-posts” table. I found the row that contained the article. You have to be careful here because there will be a lot of rows with the same article – as there is one row for each auto-save. You want to find the one that says “publish” under the post_status column.

    Under the post_content column, just double click in that box – it will contain all the content of your post. DELETE ALL the text in that box and paste in the text you just copied from wp-admin.

    Then, go back to wp-admin and go into Quick Edit for the post you’re working on. All you do here is change it to some other category and click save. Then, click into your article on your website (the public version of it) and reload it and see if your changes show up. They should.

    Two quick notes on all this. First, before I made the changes to my article, I went into Quick Edit and changed it to some category that I did NOT want to use, and saved. That’s so when I do it on the last step, I can change it back to the category I do want to use.

    Also, when you’re looking for your article in the database, using phpmyadmin, click on the top-level folder for your database (on the left). Then click the phpmyadmin Search tab at the top of the screen. In the search box, type in a combination of words contained in the article you’re working on that won’t be in any other article. Then, select “all words” under “Find”, and then in the “Inside tables” box, select the wp_posts table and press Go.

    On the search results page – it should be the row at the top – and it will say “publish” under the “post_status” column.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Jon York.


    I am encountering a similar issue.

    I am able to publish posts, but previously any new posts would automatically be added to blog page via blog masonry.

    The last 3 posts I have published are not doing that.

    This is the blog page I am referring to:


    And here are the 2 most recent posts I have published:



    All the posts settings are the same as compared to the previous ones that are appearing on the blog page. All my plugins have been updated.

    If anyone has any insight into what might be causing this issue, I’d sincerely appreciate a response.

    Yup, same problem of new pages not posting for me too. I’ve tried updating on Quick Edit, no go. And making sure the drop down says Publish and not Draft. About editing permalinks, how do I do that? I’m still a WP newbie.

    i have same problem to, always failed to publish post using wordpress android, mac, or windows app.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Hadie Danker. Reason: typo


    If you guys are having the same problem I’m having – it’s in the mod_sec (ModSecurity) rules that you have setup on your server.

    If you have root access, you can probably fix the problem yourself. If you’re on a shared hosting server you’ll probably have to ask the host to do it. And if you’re on a cPanel server to which you have root access, you can ask cPanel to help you – they have awesome support.

    To find out if you’re having the same problem I am – you have to do this. Do any of the actions that cause you to have the problem. Whether it’s trying to create and save or post a new article or edit an existing one. Go ahead and do the thing that causes the problem. For me, that meant simply typing in a few letters to an existing article and clicking Update. That always causes the problem.

    Then, this is the important diagnostic step. SSH into your server and type in this command:

    tail /etc/httpd/logs/error_log

    I’m on a cPanel server, which has logs in different locations than the guy I got this info from – but this command still worked.

    It produced this result:

    “/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsec_vendor_configs/OWASP/rules/RESPONSE-980-CORRELATION.conf”] [line “37”] [id “980130”] [msg “Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded (Total Inbound Score: 20 – SQLI=10,XSS=10,RFI=0,LFI=0,RCE=0,PHPI=0,HTTP=0,SESS=0): Detects MSSQL code execution and information gathering attempts”] [tag “event-correlation”] [hostname “yoursite.com”] [uri “/index.php”] [unique_id “WhStuaa5lh-WAkMBT3M1qQAAARY”], referer: https://yoursite.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=888&action=edit

    You should see this at the end or near the end of this log file when you type in the “tail” command.

    The text in bold gives you clues. The first bold word is “modsec” – that tells you that a ModSecurity rule prevented you from completing this action. And if that’s the case, that’s good news, because you can solve this problem – if it’s caused by ModSec!

    The “Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded” tells you the reason this action was prevented by the ModSec rule is because it exceed the score that your ModSec rules will accept.

    “Detects MSSQL code execution” – is basically saying that ModSec believes someone is trying to inject malicious code into your site through an text input code injection action.

    The next part “hostname yoursite.com” that will identify for you – that you are in fact looking at something in the log that is about the site you’re having trouble with. So if you see your domain name there, you’ll know you’re looking in the right place.

    This guy has published very detailed instructions on what to do – however, know that each case will be a little different so you probably won’t be able to follow his instructions exactly.


    What I got from that is you can either readjust the sensitivity of your mod_sec settings, or you can create special rules to apply specifically to your copy of WordPress on your domain, or you can turn mod_sec off altogether.

    I wouldn’t recommend turning mod_sec off altogether because it does provide a good deal of security for your server. But, in my case, I turned it off just for a few seconds, so I could publish this one thing I needed to publish. Then I turned it back on.

    I’m not nerdy enough to be able to follow all his instructions, but since I have a cPanel server, I’m asking them to help me out. I know they’ll be able to tweak it just right.

    Oh, also if you’re on a cPanel server, login to WHM and go to Home/Security Center/ModSecurity Tools. This will show you the exact same information you can get by using the “tail” command, but it will be in a much more readable format.

    It will show all the sites on your server that are having problems with mod_sec. Just remember, some of the sites might be having legitimate problems and you shouldn’t mess with them. In my case, I saw a lot of sites that were getting tangled up with ModSec that shouldn’t have been. But I also saw one site, that I haven’t touched in weeks – also run into a ModSec rule – from an IP address that wasn’t mine. So that was some kind of hacker/spammer trying to do something bad. So I won’t mess with the rule on that site.

    But it will show you every site that’s having problems and it will show you the exact ModSec rule that was violated and therefore responsible for clsoing down whatever action you were trying to complete.

    Even if you can’t fix it yourself with this info – this info will be exactly what you need to show someone who can fix it. It’ll get them on the right path as quickly as possible!

    Good luck!

    UPDATE: As I mentioned, I’m on a cPanel server. I have ConfigServer firewall and its other suite of software installed. I just noticed they have a ConfigServer ModSecurity rule plugin that was running on my server. I just disabled it – AND EVERYTHING STARTED WORKING PERFECTLY!!!

    So, I still have the OWASP ModSecurity rules in place – that come with cPanel so the server should still be protected. Either ConfigServer rules are just bad – or they conflict with the OWASP rules. (If you’re on cPanel you should know what I’m talking about).

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Jon York.
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