If you have ANY problems with your theme and widgets, you MUST contact the theme author FIRST.
We will start to keep a list here of themes that work and themes that do not. Please remember that there is no obligation for forum members / mods to mend broken themes. It might happen, it might not.
Please also search for your theme name and widgets BEFORE posting. The search does work.
I know this isnt exactly the write forum, but the Widgets plugin DOES work out of the box in WPMU with no modifications to anything.
Currently I am starting to modify existing themes and adding this to them.
Eragte, I’m having issues getting it to work with WPMU. Can you (or would you) email me at sillyandreaATgmail.com? I can get it working on a regular WP blog, just not WPMU at the moment.
I have spent quite a bit of time researching and figuring out how wordpress widgets work, how to install, how to make a theme widgets ready, and how to use widgets for your sidebar.
It is well worth your time to learn, and actually shouldn’t take too much time because there are so many different resources available now… a simple google search goes a long way.
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