• Hi everyone,

    I made a new plugin called Post Thumbs to share. It has barely been tested, so if anyone tries it and has some problems hopefully I’ll know what’s wrong. It works on my site fine.

    What it does is scan a post for an included image and convert that image into a thumbnail to be used in The Loop. You could use this to show a list of posts as thumbnail links if you wanted. It will only work for images that reside on your server. No support for cross domain images as of yet.

    The documentation is shoddy, but it’ll have to do for now. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to reply. The plugin is here.

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  • i tried this from the Read me :

    $posts = get_posts(“numberposts=8&offset=0”);
    foreach ($posts as $post) :
    $post_link = get_thumb(“SHOWTITLE=TD”);
    if ( !empty($post_link) ) { echo $post_link; }

    but it displays the list of posts direcly in the sidebar, me i want to have this list as a result of clicking one of the sidebar’s catgegories

    the list should appear where the posts take place…

    am i making sense ?

    i realise it was a nonsense to work in my sidebar.php if i want this thumbs to appear in the main page (i mean where the single post appears). So i worked on my category.php and it looks better. The only problem is that it shows all (thumbs of) the posts i have instead of just the one from the category. In other word the category function doesn’t work anymore.

    any idea ?



    right…. my category also seems not to work… and I still have the same problems as I noted above… anyone have solutions?



    I’m still having unresolved problems with this plugin. Does anyone know of a similar plugin?

    i’m using 2.1 … no wonder its not working …

    settings are a bit tricky, pay special attention to the URL you provide in the options

    you have to know the REAL adress of your site on your server, it may require using a little PHP script (i found it here on the forum, i think this thread)



    I’ve tried just about every URL I know of and over the past month nothing has worked including installing that script to find the URL. It is working fine on another blog I have, but not on this one. Arrrggg… any ideas why the image tag is empty?

    very very frustrating!

    since switching to WP 2.2 all images are enclosed in ( ‘ ) single quotes: <img src=’imagename.jpg’> and it breaks the Post-thumb plugin since its looking for a ( ” ) double quote.

    I can easily fix it in the plugin, but that means i have to go thorugh al my posts and change double quotes to single.

    Is there any way to modify the post-thumb to look for both – single and double quotes? should be pretty simple i just dont know Regex that well…



    got it to work!

    line 44 in post-thumb.php:






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